Is the CIA using video games as part of a propaganda campaign to indoctrinate Iranian youth? Iran thinks so. Amir Mirzaei Hekmati, a former US Marine with Iranian heritage, was arrested as an American spy on a visit to Iran's capital last August. ...
Play video games for 4 days straight and get smarter?
Central Florida News 13
By Allison Walker, Entertainment Reporter/Anchor What if we told you that you and 2500 other people could play video games all day and go home feeling more intelligent? That's pretty much the idea of the Orlando Science Center's biggest annual event ...
The 10 Most Bogus Entries in the Guinness World Records 2012 Gamer's Edition
Sadly, the Gamer's Edition of the Guinness World Record franchise doesn't engender the same kinds of thrills. Part of it's because actual living breathing human beings are in short supply in this book. Oh, they're there, but wind up shuttled into ...
Video games earn high score in down economy
The US economy continues to struggle with unemployment, but one entertainment sector is booming despite a depressed economy: video games. Last year, $25 billion was spent on games, from blockbusters like Call of Duty 3 to iPhone hits like Plants vs. ...
Hands On With The Samsung Series 7 Gamer
PC Magazine
Currently, the company is stepping out of the box with its announcement at CES 2012 of a dedicated gaming laptop, the Series 7 Gamer. Upon launch, only one model will be offered, with no customization options before checkout. If it's a success, ...
The Best Defense: Getting serious about video games
Foreign Policy (blog)
By Peter Bacon Video games have somewhat of a bad reputation today: individuals have attacked games for their supposed contribution to obscenity and their debilitation of male virtue. Despite these fears, scientists have identified some benefits from ...
Foreign Policy (blog)
HMV backing away from video games
by Ben Parfitt The competition from supermarkets and online retailers has lead HMV to admit that it is reconsidering its interest in the video games market. Though the retailer's market share remained static for both music and DVDa, its gaming market ...
CHINESE GAMER IN December Sales Fall 43.39% (Table) : 3083 TT
CHINESE GAMER IN said unconsolidated sales in December fell 43.39% to NT$94975000 from NT$167756000, according to a statement filed to the Taiwan Stock Exchange. (Figures are in thousands of New Taiwan dollars) ...
Exhibit replays video games
An exhibit that recalls the early days of video games is currently showing in the Living Art Centre's exhibition gallery. Thank You For Playing runs to Jan. 22, and features works by Melissa Allen, Michelle and Justin Coffee, Kim Dayman, Ben Forbes, ...
Great Geek Debate: Kinect vs. Move vs. Wii
Wired News
Where once the stereotypical gamer was a fat pimple-faced kid in his mom's basement, hands covered in Cheetos dust and a two-liter of Mountain Dew with a straw nearby, the gamer is now de-evolving as gaming is evolving. Gamers didn't always have a ...
'Embarrassment of riches' in 2012 video games
Houma Courier
By Mike Snider and Brett Molina Just as in 2011, there's a top-flight list of anticipated releases, with highlights such as Halo 4 for Xbox 360, Twisted Metal on PlayStation 3 and an expected Grand Theft Auto V from Rockstar Games. ...
Wii Sports and other motion video games help elders socialize, stay active
Silver Streak bowler Minnie Pohlman bowls a strike in a Wii bowling tournament with the Happy Strikers at the Edmonds Senior Center. Silver Streak bowler Minnie Pohlman and other bowlers react
Video Games Retailer Game In Talks With Lenders After Steep Declines In Sales
Huffington Post UK
Video games retailer Game warned today that it is set to breach a banking agreement after a dismal Christmas capped an "incredibly tough" year for the industry. The group, which has 1300 stores worldwide trading under the Game and Gamestation brands, ...
Lana Del Rey Performs "Video Games" At Corinthian Hotel (VIDEO)
Global Grind
Lana Del Rey is performing her smash hit "Video Games" at as many UK venues she can before making her US television debut this weekend. The pouty lipped singer turned up her sexy while performing at the Corinthian Hotel in London. ...
Do You Prefer Over-the-Top Video Games?
SodaHead News
by SodaHead Gaming Posted January 10, 2012 19:49:48 (just now) Video games are as diverse as any form of entertainment, and when Guillermo del Toro suggested the medium was a form of art, he was referring to its capacity for innovation, abstraction, ...

SodaHead News
Florida babysitter plays video games as toddler roams street
A US woman was being held in a Florida jail today after allegedly allowing the two-year-old child she was watching to wander outside while she played video games. Maxine Marie Phillips, 19, was caring for the little girl today in New Port Richey, ...
Make your own Star Wars: The Old Republic loading screen
PC Gamer Magazine
Friend of PC Gamer, Andy Kelly pointed us at this Reddit thread, in which TOR fan, rainer511 has made a layered PSD image that will let you slot an image of your choosing into the loading screen slot. Once you've created your new loading screen, ...

PC Gamer Magazine
MocoSpace survey reveals some of the trends behind the growing popularity of ...
By Mike Thompson Even though gaming has become more and more mainstream, there's still a perception that the general gamer population is comprised of little more than awkward teenage males. Over the past decade studies have shown that this just isn't ...
Will User Involvement Produce Better Video Games?
SodaHead News
We want a game that is unmistakably D & D, but one that can easily become your D & D, the game that you want to run and play." Do you think user involvement in video games like "Dungeons & Dragons" is a good idea? Will User Involvement Produce Better ...

SodaHead News
'Indie Oscars' shortlist goes live
The full line-up of independent joy can be found on the IGF website, and the gongs will be handed out on March 7 during GDC. CVG would especially like to congratulate Future Publishing bedfellow and PC Gamer stalwart Tom Francis on his game Gunpoint's ...
Blaming your breakup on gaming
The Weal
A new term to describe those who've lost their lovers this way has even been circulating in netspace for the past few years: gamer widow. “A gamer widow is a term for those who have a relationship with an Addicted Gamer (one who plays video games to ...

The Weal
Vietnam trial begins of teen accused of killing to play video games
Monsters and
Hanoi - A court in northern Vietnam on Tuesday began the trial of a 17-year-old boy who confessed to killing three people in a robbery to get money to play online games. Le Van Luyen was arrested in August, one week after he allegedly killed a ...
US Army Introduces Its Own Brand Of Weapons For Video Games
By Liz Walsh on January 10, 2012 In a move that will undoubtedly create some controversy, the United States Army is introducing peripherals for some of the video game world's most popular titles, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. ...
Game Group fears loan breach after poor Christmas
Game Group shares fell sharply after the troubled video games retailer warned that a slump in sales over Christmas could see it breach its banking convenants. By Telegraph Staff Sales at stores open for a year or more dropped 12.9pc in the eight weeks ...
6 Money Management Lessons You Can Actually Learn From The Godfather
Business Insider
I am not usually a Video Game lover or an Online Gamer, I am actually more of a Pac-Man kind of girl; but for some reason I am totally in love with The Godfather: Five Families. Maybe I love this game so much because I can relate it to my life as well ...

Business Insider
NGamer relaunched as Nintendo Gamer
FeaturesExec Media Bulletin
The magazine and iPad app have been completely revamped, and a new website - – will launch in early February. The first edition of the new-look magazine was issued on 5th January 2012 with the cover price reduced from £4.99 to £4.50. ...
'The Lehigh Valley's Stealth Author' Found in Nazareth
David Lubar, a children's book author and Nazareth resident, talks about video games, writing for kids and philosophy. By Anthony Rando David Lubar, a Nazareth resident, is the popular author of 17 books for teens and tweens. Contributed Photo Not many ...
Mad Catz® Announces Shipping of Licensed Major League Gaming® Pro Circuit ...
Business Wire (press release)
The new tournament grade controller has been specifically designed for the competitive and professional gamer. Engineered to perform at the highest possible level, the MLG Pro Circuit Controller is available now for the Xbox 360 ® video game and ...

Business Wire (press release)
Iran Calls Video Games Part of C.I.A. Plot -
According to Iranian state television, a former United States marine who was convicted of spying on Iran and sentenced to death on Monday was also involved in a nefarious plot to brainwash the youth of the Middle East using an unlikely tool: ...
The Lede
Huffington Post UK
Video games retailer Game warned today that it is set to breach a banking agreement after a dismal Christmas capped an "incredibly tough" year for the industry. The group, which has 1300 stores worldwide trading under the Game and Gamestation brands, ...
Lana Del Rey Performs "Video Games" At Corinthian Hotel (VIDEO)
Global Grind
Lana Del Rey is performing her smash hit "Video Games" at as many UK venues she can before making her US television debut this weekend. The pouty lipped singer turned up her sexy while performing at the Corinthian Hotel in London. ...
Do You Prefer Over-the-Top Video Games?
SodaHead News
by SodaHead Gaming Posted January 10, 2012 19:49:48 (just now) Video games are as diverse as any form of entertainment, and when Guillermo del Toro suggested the medium was a form of art, he was referring to its capacity for innovation, abstraction, ...
SodaHead News
Florida babysitter plays video games as toddler roams street
A US woman was being held in a Florida jail today after allegedly allowing the two-year-old child she was watching to wander outside while she played video games. Maxine Marie Phillips, 19, was caring for the little girl today in New Port Richey, ...
Make your own Star Wars: The Old Republic loading screen
PC Gamer Magazine
Friend of PC Gamer, Andy Kelly pointed us at this Reddit thread, in which TOR fan, rainer511 has made a layered PSD image that will let you slot an image of your choosing into the loading screen slot. Once you've created your new loading screen, ...
PC Gamer Magazine
MocoSpace survey reveals some of the trends behind the growing popularity of ...
By Mike Thompson Even though gaming has become more and more mainstream, there's still a perception that the general gamer population is comprised of little more than awkward teenage males. Over the past decade studies have shown that this just isn't ...
Will User Involvement Produce Better Video Games?
SodaHead News
We want a game that is unmistakably D & D, but one that can easily become your D & D, the game that you want to run and play." Do you think user involvement in video games like "Dungeons & Dragons" is a good idea? Will User Involvement Produce Better ...
SodaHead News
'Indie Oscars' shortlist goes live
The full line-up of independent joy can be found on the IGF website, and the gongs will be handed out on March 7 during GDC. CVG would especially like to congratulate Future Publishing bedfellow and PC Gamer stalwart Tom Francis on his game Gunpoint's ...
Blaming your breakup on gaming
The Weal
A new term to describe those who've lost their lovers this way has even been circulating in netspace for the past few years: gamer widow. “A gamer widow is a term for those who have a relationship with an Addicted Gamer (one who plays video games to ...
The Weal
Vietnam trial begins of teen accused of killing to play video games
Monsters and
Hanoi - A court in northern Vietnam on Tuesday began the trial of a 17-year-old boy who confessed to killing three people in a robbery to get money to play online games. Le Van Luyen was arrested in August, one week after he allegedly killed a ...
US Army Introduces Its Own Brand Of Weapons For Video Games
By Liz Walsh on January 10, 2012 In a move that will undoubtedly create some controversy, the United States Army is introducing peripherals for some of the video game world's most popular titles, including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. ...
Game Group fears loan breach after poor Christmas
Game Group shares fell sharply after the troubled video games retailer warned that a slump in sales over Christmas could see it breach its banking convenants. By Telegraph Staff Sales at stores open for a year or more dropped 12.9pc in the eight weeks ...
6 Money Management Lessons You Can Actually Learn From The Godfather
Business Insider
I am not usually a Video Game lover or an Online Gamer, I am actually more of a Pac-Man kind of girl; but for some reason I am totally in love with The Godfather: Five Families. Maybe I love this game so much because I can relate it to my life as well ...
Business Insider
NGamer relaunched as Nintendo Gamer
FeaturesExec Media Bulletin
The magazine and iPad app have been completely revamped, and a new website - – will launch in early February. The first edition of the new-look magazine was issued on 5th January 2012 with the cover price reduced from £4.99 to £4.50. ...
'The Lehigh Valley's Stealth Author' Found in Nazareth
David Lubar, a children's book author and Nazareth resident, talks about video games, writing for kids and philosophy. By Anthony Rando David Lubar, a Nazareth resident, is the popular author of 17 books for teens and tweens. Contributed Photo Not many ...
Mad Catz® Announces Shipping of Licensed Major League Gaming® Pro Circuit ...
Business Wire (press release)
The new tournament grade controller has been specifically designed for the competitive and professional gamer. Engineered to perform at the highest possible level, the MLG Pro Circuit Controller is available now for the Xbox 360 ® video game and ...
Business Wire (press release)
Iran Calls Video Games Part of C.I.A. Plot -
According to Iranian state television, a former United States marine who was convicted of spying on Iran and sentenced to death on Monday was also involved in a nefarious plot to brainwash the youth of the Middle East using an unlikely tool: ...
The Lede
Lana Del Rey performs 'Video Games' in London | HYPETRAK
By Jonathan Sawyer
Before making her way back over into the U.S., Lana Del Rey made another stop in London at the Corinthia Hotel to provide a live performance of her hit single "Video Games." The intimate showing featured Lana front and center with piano ...
Zumba Fitness 2 Review — The Average Gamer
By Nick Lynch
Generally, Christmas is a time of excess. Mince pies are consumed by the dozen and the mere mention of fitness is banished to the naughty step with the rest of the never-fulfilled New Year's resolutions. Where the only exercise you'll see is ...
The Average Gamer
By Nick Lynch
Generally, Christmas is a time of excess. Mince pies are consumed by the dozen and the mere mention of fitness is banished to the naughty step with the rest of the never-fulfilled New Year's resolutions. Where the only exercise you'll see is ...
The Average Gamer
Green Video Games Teaching Kids | Green Blog
By Chris Keenan
Green Video Games Teaching Kids. Screenshot from the game "Fate of the World." It's not always easy to get through to kids; engaging them in conversation about the environment can be tedious, especially if they are twitching from video ...
Green Blog
CES 2012: Netflix (US) and Music Unlimited ... - Pocket Gamer
Watch and listen. Click to read the full 'CES 2012: Netflix (US) and Music Unlimited heading to PlayStation Vita for launch' news article. For more handheld news and PlayStation Vita news,
Pocket Gamer |
Watch and listen. Click to read the full 'CES 2012: Netflix (US) and Music Unlimited heading to PlayStation Vita for launch' news article. For more handheld news and PlayStation Vita news,
Pocket Gamer |
Lana Del Rey – Video Games live on The Jonathan Ross Show ...
By Roshan
Lana Del Rey – Video Games live on The Jonathan Ross Show. Lana Del Rey performs my faveVideo Games live on UK tv on the Jonathan Ross Show: The tracklisting for her debut album, Born to Die, has also been released: Tracklisting: ...
The indie girl's guide to...
By Roshan
Lana Del Rey – Video Games live on The Jonathan Ross Show. Lana Del Rey performs my faveVideo Games live on UK tv on the Jonathan Ross Show: The tracklisting for her debut album, Born to Die, has also been released: Tracklisting: ...
The indie girl's guide to...
Twisted Metal Preview, February Release Date | STACK Gamer
By Joe
Playing video games that are released during the winter months is usually about as exciting as watching snow melt. But Twisted Metal. ... New STACK Websites Launch in 2011: 4W, Gamer, Varsity. |. TECH. RECENT TECH ARTICLES ...
MIcrosoft's "Avoid the Ghetto" GPS Feature | Front Towards Gamer
Microsoft wants to keep people save by diverting them around high crime areas, or are they just trying to funnel subscribers through paid advertisement areas.
Front Towards Gamer
Sneaking Women Into Video Games | ThinkProgress
Sneaking Women Into Video Games. By Alyssa Rosenberg on Jan 5, 2012 at 4 36 pm. Topless Robot hasan awesome post on video game characters whose ...
Lana Del Rey - 'Video Games' on Jonathan Ross Show! - Just Jared
Lana Del Rey hits the stage to perform her track “Video Games” on the Jonathan Ross Show on an episode airing Saturday (January 7). The 25-year-old singer ...
Should Women Play Video Games? | N4G
It is not the first, nor will it be the last time I will hear, or rather read, someone telling me that I do not enjoy video games. However, since this idea is so prevalent, ...
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