Most Anticipated Video Games of 2012: 'Halo 4,' 'Grand Theft Auto 5,' 'Mass ...
By Michael D'Alonzo Sunday, Jan 1, 2012 5:51 AM 2012 is just scant days away, and with it, perhaps, the end of times. However, if the Mayans (and that smoking guy from the X-Files) were right, you'll have 'til December to say goodbye, and what better ...

By Michael D'Alonzo Sunday, Jan 1, 2012 5:51 AM 2012 is just scant days away, and with it, perhaps, the end of times. However, if the Mayans (and that smoking guy from the X-Files) were right, you'll have 'til December to say goodbye, and what better ...
Top 10 most anticipated iOS games of 2012
Pocket Gamer
Here at Pocket Gamer Towers, we love New Year's Eve because it signals the beginning of another 365 days. Or more specifically, another 12 months of quality iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch game releases. Two iOS titles in 2011 - Anomaly Warzone Earth, ...

Pocket Gamer
Pocket Gamer
Here at Pocket Gamer Towers, we love New Year's Eve because it signals the beginning of another 365 days. Or more specifically, another 12 months of quality iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch game releases. Two iOS titles in 2011 - Anomaly Warzone Earth, ...
Pocket Gamer
2012's Most Anticipated
With 2012 just hours away, a whole new year's worth of video games is fast approaching. Each and every year, developers up their game to bring consumers even better experiences than before. In a similar vein of last week's 2011 recommendations, ...
With 2012 just hours away, a whole new year's worth of video games is fast approaching. Each and every year, developers up their game to bring consumers even better experiences than before. In a similar vein of last week's 2011 recommendations, ...
The most wanted technology gadgets of 2012
Radio 1
By Dan Whitworth Whether it's smart phones, games consoles or video games 2012 is shaping up to be another amazing year for tech fans. Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Nokia, Rockstar and Nintendo are just some of the technology giants involved. ...

Radio 1
Radio 1
By Dan Whitworth Whether it's smart phones, games consoles or video games 2012 is shaping up to be another amazing year for tech fans. Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Nokia, Rockstar and Nintendo are just some of the technology giants involved. ...
Radio 1
That's partly because TV news works hard not to inform us, but to redirect all our energies into becoming supposed political actors by participating in these episodic political video games. Experiencing politics in this way, people, more so if they ...
Video games: These virtual realms merit more visits
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Here's a look at the 2011 video games that fell off the radar but deserve to be rediscovered. Despite being well-designed and involving, online fantasy game “Rift” hasn't been able to sustain its initial success. Amid the towering piles and teetering ...
Top 5 video games of 2011
The Express Tribune (blog)
It takes some mettle to release a 'AAA' title (game industry speak for 'big budget') only on the PC, when most video games tend to find it difficult to recoup development costs without finding release on all major gaming platforms. ...
The Express Tribune (blog)
Top 5 Video Games of 2011
The cyber-punk setting is one of my favorite settings that hardly ever gets used in video gamesanymore; and the gameplay came together better than anything I was expecting. The sneaking, talking your way out of a situation, and combat all worked ...
Age of Wulin: Gamer Buys Virtual Sword for 16000 US Dollars
Gamebandits (blog)
There are some people who could not help but splurge on something they like even though they have a niggling idea that the price is actually too much for what they are about to get. This seems to be the case with buying a virtual item at the cost of a ...
Gamebandits (blog)
A Virtual Season Ends with Plenty of Unfinished Business
It's because, at heart, I am a sports video gamer, and there are reasons that demographic has, in the past decade, become more isolated from those who spend as much, maybe even less, on games in a year, yet seem to enjoy a broader variety of them more. ...
Britton's Top 10 video games of 2011
Dallas Morning News (subscription) (blog)
This was a big year for quality video games. It would be tough to buy them all unless you're made of money, and tougher to play them all unless you're jobless and have nothing but free time. So if you've got some leftover Christmas cash or vacation ...
Video game history: Takeshi's Challenge translated
We see this in games like Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row today, which has become the norm in video games but for the era it was unheard of. There is a hang gliding shooting section where you can only go down and not up, which makes playing through it ...
2011: The Year of Esports
International Business Times
He sought to hire people from the community, including commentators Alex “HDStarcraft” Do, who helped popularize Starcraft II with a YouTube channel with more than 156 million views, and Taylor “Painuser” Parsons, a pro gamer who transitioned to...
International Business Times
XBox 360 Review: NASCAR Unleashed (blog)
My son is 14 and loves playing video games. Finding video games that he enjoys and I actually want him to play is not an easy task at all. Many of the games that he wants to play are way too violent for me to feel comfortable with. ...
The One Game from 2011 You Probably Shouldn't Ignore
By Joey Davidson on January 1, 2012 in Platform 2011 was a wild year for video games. As gamers, we've seen some of the most wonderfully conceived and designed titles this medium has ever offered in the span of just 12 months. ...
Was 2011 Too Good for Gaming?
Gamasutra (blog)
A lot of good has come from the explosion of video games into the main stream however. Gamers don't need to feel segregated, if you care about that sort of thing, because everyone and their grandmother has probably played Angry Birds or Tetris by now, ...
Sega adds Character World to Sonic drive
by Samantha Loveday Print Homewares and textile specialist to produce a wide range of product for video games brand. Character World has become the latest firm to join up with Sega on its Sonic The Hedgehog property. ...
Local men launch iPhone game with the help of Kickstarter funding
Online Athens
(AJ Reynolds/Staff Athens natives Eli Burke and Zack Wood spent a lot of time playing video games when they were growing up, and they're now on the brink of turning that passion for games into a livelihood. ...
A Book That Links Zelda with Christianity
Video games and Christianity have been on two different sides of the tracks since day 1. Minus the epic title Exodus that followed the biblical figure Moses and his quest to lead the Israelites to the 'promise land.' Hop on in for the rest of my ...
Crave Online
Earlier this year, Day wrote and starred in the "Dragon Age: Redemption" web series; which is based upon the "Dragon Age" video games. During the six part series, it's clear that "Dragon Age: Redemption" must have had a much larger budget than most web ...
'REAMDE' Review: Genre Mashup Explores Character, Radical Ideologies
Big Hollywood
“REAMDE” mixes the international thriller and geek gamer novels, seamlessly blending the two with only occasionally forays into obscure tech-speak. The book, like all of Stephenson's, is extremely character driven, flipping from one viewpoint to ...
Video Game Warzone #146
With The Bitbag, Torrence plays in the sandbox of his two favorite things, technology and video games. Ok First off Tor, your right about ram, but technically wrong at the same time. Your right about 24gigs being overkill and, for the most part 6gigs ...
The Best DSiWare Games of 2011
If you're a veteran gamer like quite a few of us, you might remember Steven Faulkner's Warlords games, choc-full of turn-based action (and hot-seat multiplayer! woo!) that sadly have not resurfaced in recent days. (Warlords IV doesn't exist and don't ...
Trade in iPad for iPad 2?
PDF Devices
If you are a gamer, photos uploaded can be used to create your own personalized levels. The processor alone is enough to upgrade from the original iPad to the newer iPad. If you are a gamer or you want faster processing and better graphics, ...
PDF Devices
Our (Entertainment) New Year's Resolutions
Flecking Records (blog)
I've set myself five resolutions from the worlds of music, TV, film and video games – all much easier to keep than giving up chocolate. 3D cinema/TV is my latest favourite thing. I also love all things Titanic, so I'm looking forward to this. ...
Resolving to Not Make a Resolution
I don't know if this speaks to my age, arrested development or both, but I greeted 2012 by playingvideo games with a friend. Maybe I'm just a tool. Anyway, my ambivalence to the whole affair also reflects my attitude toward resolutions. ...
Are printed books passé?
Business Mirror
They point to the convergence of Internet, television, e-readers, notepads like the iPad, and video games which have captured the major interest of people from reading from books, even the great classics or contemporary best sellers. ...
Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Video Games - Comixed - 4 panel comic ...
By Cheezburger Network
4koma comic strip - Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Video Games.
Comixed - 4 panel comic strip...
Snow, as depicted by 100 video games | GoNintendo - What are ...
By RawmeatCowboy
The miracle of Christmas snow via the medium of 100 different video games - feature here.
PC Gamer (US) : Star Wars _ The Old Rebublic / February 2012 (HQ ...
By Dexter
PC Gamer - February 2012 English | 100 pages | HQ-PDF | 35.8 MB | Number 223. - Download Last Releases
Web Series Today: Gamer Girl Manifesto
By modelmotion
Don't be racist. Don't be homophobic. Don't be sexist. Follow that code and everybody will have a good time. And when someone breaks that code, CALL THEM OUT. Don't just let it ride. Many many thanks to these amazing people. ...
Web Series Today
Gamer Girl of the Month (January 2012) – Jenna / The Game Heroes
By Handsome Tom
Gamer Girl of the Month (January 2012) – Jenna Gaming Isn't a Hobby, It's a Way of Life.
The Game Heroes
Imagine Video Games on This 84-Inch Ultra Definiton 3DTV | N4G
Imagine Video Games on This 84-Inch Ultra Definiton 3DTV. Imagine playing Skyrim or Battlefield 3 on a huge 84-inch 3DTV. Well, this may be available for you ...
MEGATech Showcase: The Other Best Video Games of 2011 ...
As a frequent player of videogames (who isn't crazy about the term “gamer”), I've already read several lists of what ... 2011 brought us a lot of great video games. ...
Video Games (Lana Del Rey Cover) by Silver Swans on ...
Listen to Video Games (Lana Del Rey Cover) by Silver Swans: This is our cover of Lana Del Rey's "Video Games." | Create, record and share the sounds you ...
The 25 Best Racing Video Games Of All Time | Complex
From Final Lap to Gran Turismo 5, we give you best of the genre. The original buyer's guide for men.
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