The most anticipated video games of 2012
From "GTA 5" to the return of "Uncharted," here are the upcoming titles that are making us dizzy with anticipation. By Russ Frushtick The new year is finally upon us and, chances are, you're probably broke, thanks to one of the best gaming holiday ...

From "GTA 5" to the return of "Uncharted," here are the upcoming titles that are making us dizzy with anticipation. By Russ Frushtick The new year is finally upon us and, chances are, you're probably broke, thanks to one of the best gaming holiday ...
By Jason Cross, PCWorld Jan 12, 2012 7:01 AM Gamers in North America looking for a high-end gaming laptop may have envied those in Europe, who have been able to purchase Samsung's Series 7 Gamer notebook since last spring. This April, the company will ...
Video Games For Pigs (blog)
We both enjoy playing video games. When researchers at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) and Wageningen UR set out to help address the need to curb boredom in pigs, they discovered that they could do so in a very playful way! ...
The 24-year-old was first introduced to video games in the early 90's by her father, who was immersed in the world of casual PC gaming. Having first earned a place in the 2011 Gamer's Edition with the high score for 'Dare' on Just Dance (11661 points ...
Joy Sticks: Video games actively engage consumers
Daily Bruin
By MATTHEW OVERSTREET Not everyone considers him or herself a “gamer,” but almost everyone has had some kind of interaction with the form of entertainment known as video games. Some people follow the industry and try to keep as up-to-date with news and ...
Daily Bruin
Introducing Kotaku Core, For Readers Who Only Want to Know About Video Games
Year after year, we at Kotaku have done our best to tell you what's going on in the world of video games. And we've heard your replies: "Hey, was that really video game news you just wrote there? It looked like a cosplay gallery or story about a ...
Congressman gamer supports Riot Game's anti-SOPA stance
by Justin Olivetti on Jan 11th 2012 5:00PM SOPA is an extremely hot-button issue on the internet right now, with politicians, companies, websites, and individuals coming out for and against this controversial piece of US legislature. ...
All-Gamer Driver Line-Up Aiming For Dubai 24 Hours Glory
We will be making history as the first all-gamer team and this line-up for Dubai is the perfect testament to the success of the GT Academy programme.” Jann Mardenborough, the 20-year-old based in Cardiff said: “Since winning GT Academy, the last five ...
Video Games Banned for Surprising Reasons
Video games are banned for many reasons, often related to drugs, sex, and violence and sometimes treatment of certain religions (ex. Malaysia banning games that are explicitly anti-Muslim). Some countries ban games due to historical references, ...
VIDEO: 'Video games kill people' says chunky redheaded kid on the internet
It's some pissed off ginger, ranting and raving about video games for about 5 minutes. His primarily viewpoint is how those who play them are sheep and posers. As also noted in the description: “I HEAR GADDAFI IS DEAD ? WELL GUESS WHAT. ...
'Advergames' Increase Junk Food Eating, Study Says
Fox News
Getty Print Email Share Comments Recommend Tweet Related Stories Are Violent Video Games Altering Your Child's Brain? 10-Year-Old Hacker Finds Flaws in Video GamesDo Video Games Cause Attention Problems in Kids? Even though America's children are...
Bioware working on SWTOR content we won't see for “over a year”
PC Gamer Magazine
“Our writers are working on content you won't see for over a year,” game director James Ohlen told PC Gamer. “We have a lot of plans. Because of the voice overs, cinematics and moving parts, we have to look way into the future. ...
PC Gamer Magazine
EA Says Use of Brands In Video Games Is Free Speech
Tom's Guide
According to Electronic Arts, the use of brand names in video games falls under creative freedom. In a document filed with a California court, the company seeks a declaratory statement that the presence of Bell helicopters in Battlefield 3 is a form of ...
Lana Del Rey 'Not Used To Being Famous'
The Born To Die singer, who is a contender to win MTV Brand New For 2012, claims she's overwhelmed by the attention she now receives since her debut single, Video Games, became a YouTube smash. Del Rey told V magazine: "I turn up in Glasgow or ...
Assassin's Creed creative director leaves Ubisoft
"Video games and advertising have many common elements," said Amancio, who joined Ubisoft in 2005 and previously worked on FarCry 2. "In both industries, we are always looking for new ways to engage the consumer to the brand. ...
Finding common ground over video games
Lexington Dispatch
The subject matter is video games, and the opponent is my 9-year-old son. My husband and I find ourselves in that familiar spot where we have to determine how much is too much. We are a solidified front on the idea that it just isn't good for children ...
When Video Games Research Attacks
It's good to see positive research into the effects of video games on people. There we've stated our bias. So, when we see a respected organ such as Time magazine bigging up brain training games, we read it. Then we read the research digest. ...
CES 2012: Microsoft Introduces KinectScan Technology With Kinect Rush: A ...
The visual quality of each of the video games are very faithful to the films, right down to the design of characters and the situations you get into. And the motion controls are exquisite, but kept simple enough that even the youngest players can get ...
Campaign Launches Calling on Electronic Arts to Oppose SOPA
PR Web (press release)
More than 100000 gamers and concerned internet users have joined a new campaign on created by an avid gamer calling on Electronic Arts (EA) to publicly oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). Shashank Katsurirangan, a fan of EA's sports ...
'Embarrassment of riches' in 2012 video games
Jackson Sun
By Mike Snider and Brett Molina, USA TODAY • January 12, 2012 Just as in 2011, there's a top-flight list of anticipated releases, with highlights such as Halo 4 for Xbox 360, Twisted Metal on PlayStation 3 and an expected Grand Theft Auto V from ...
New 3DS stand to be bundled with Kid Icarus
Kid Icarus Uprising director Masahiro Sakurai revealed the stand via Twitter today, Andriasang reports. Set to hit the UK in March, Uprising is also compatible with the Circle Pad Pro attachment. Check out this Nintendo Gamer Kid Icarus Uprising ...
What Iran's Death Sentence for an American Marine Has to Do With Video Games
by Nick Catucci The story of Amis Mirzaei Hekmati, the former Marine that Iran this week said they will put to death for spying on behalf the US, is heartbreaking. What's makes it even worse is that if he were a white sorority chick who disappeared ...
This US Army Video Game Controller Was Made To Get You To Enlist
Business Insider
The US Army has long been involved in the world of video games. It came out with its first branded game America's Army back in 2002, and controversy has surrounded the Army's use of games as a recruiting tool ever since. Now, it's taking the next step ...
Business Insider
Future Publishing switches out management
by Kris Graft [Console/PC, Business] Newsbrief: Edge, PC Gamer and Official Xbox Magazine publisher Future Publishing said Thursday it has replaced 18-year Future veteran James Binns with Richard Keith as publisher of its entertainment portfolio, ...
Lawyers blame murders on video games
Myona News
According to Stars and Stripes, his defense lawyers tried to use video games as part of their defense. “He's not a man. He's a boy who spent his time playing computer games,” said defense attorney Michaela Roth. Marcus Traut, one of the prosecutors ...
Congressman gamer supports Riot Game's anti-SOPA stance ...
By Justin Olivetti
Congressman gamer supports Riot Game's anti-SOPA stance. by Justin Olivetti on Jan 11th 2012 5:00PM. Fantasy, MMO industry, Free-to-play, Legal, MOBA. 16. SOPA is an extremely hot-button issue on the internet right now, with politicians, ...
U.S. Army Unveils Branded Peripherals for Video Games | Adweek
By David Gianatasio
Opening a new front in the battle for recruits and the war of public opinion, the U.S. Army has entered the gaming peripherals business. The Army is supporting popular Call of Duty titles like Modern Warfare 3, among others, with branded, ...
Adweek : Advertising & Branding
Video Games for the Rusty Gamer, or Total Game Noob | xoJane
By Emily V Gordon
Are you looking to dip a toe into the world of console gaming, even if it's only for the sake of your boyfriend/husband/partner? This post is for you.
Video Games for Pigs | Care2 Causes
By Aimee Gertsch
It's not just humans that enjoy video games! Pigs like them too.
Care2 Causes
When Pigs Game - Video Games Blogger
By Ferry
#1 in the Top 25 Must-Play Video Games is… Assassin's Creed 3 Release Date · Battlefield 4 Announced By EA · Beyond Good & Evil 2 Rumors · Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 Hint · E3 2011 Favorite Trailers · Gamer Habits 5: Hoarding ...
Video Game Walkthroughs, Video...
Why We - Association for Psychological Science
In research published in Psychological Science, participants reported how they would like to experience themselves (ideal self) and how they experienced themselves while playing video games (game-self). In video games that promoted ...
Association for Psychological Science
SEGA's Reply To Concerned Gamer Over SOPA Is Complete ...
By Kreyg
Just recently, we encouraged our community members to e-mail the ESA as well various game companies due to their support of the damaging Stop Online Piracy Act.
Hot Blooded Gaming
Steam hits five million concurrent players | PC Gamer
PC games reviews, news and free PC games from the global authority on PC games -
By Kreyg
Just recently, we encouraged our community members to e-mail the ESA as well various game companies due to their support of the damaging Stop Online Piracy Act.
Hot Blooded Gaming
Steam hits five million concurrent players | PC Gamer
PC games reviews, news and free PC games from the global authority on PC games -
Ten WTF Intersections of Video Games And Hollywood from
Some of the weirdest connections between Hollywood and the video game industry.
Stunning Digital Art Inspired by Video Games
Over 50 examples of wonderful digital art inspired by the video game format, from famous characters, to epic battles, landscapes and more.
17 Video Games in Venn Diagram Form |
Most forms of entertainment come down to combining and recombining the same old ideas. Video games are a breath of fresh air in that respect. The fact that ...
How To Lose Weight Playing Video Games | Upgrade Your Life ...
Read 'How To Lose Weight Playing Video Games' from our blog Upgrade Your Life on Yahoo! News. Can Video Games Burn As Many Calories as Running?
Iran Calls Video Games Part of C.I.A. Plot -
According to Iranian state television, a former United States marine who was convicted of spying on Iran and sentenced to death on Monday was also involved in ...
Reflecting on Video Games, Learning and Nutrition | Edutopia
I'd read the articles on educational video games and learning. ... And since the averagegamer in the US is 35 years old, many of our children's parents are ...
The Late Movies: Pets with Video Games - Mental Floss
The Late Movies: Pets with Video Games. ... bloghead_latemovies.gif. Humans aren't the only ones who enjoy playing video games. Kitten Playing Duck Hunt ...
U.S. Army releases gamer gear for Xbox & PlayStation | VentureBeat
America! Expletive yeah! The U.S. Army is cashing in on civilians' enthusiasm for first-person shooters with a new line of Army-branded gaming peripherals for, ...
Japanese salaryman gamer — Tokyo Times
A Japanese salaryman intensely playing his Nintendo DS during his daily commute in Tokyo.