The Pentagon is trying to start a four-year $32 million program to turn the testing of weapon system computer code into video games. The program is called Crowd Sourced Formal Verification and was announced last month, though it's gotten a little more ...
Homegrown video games to be showcased in Austin
Find more on that story here: http://bit.ly/xt953P The Texas Advanced Computing Center, the University of Texas at Austin 's Department of Computer Science and the International Game Developers Association are presenting the Future of Video Games, ...
5 Reasons You're Not Buying Video Games Anymore
Online connectivity and gamer networking have changed that. It's hard to put out a blockbuster without a viable multiplayer gaming component. Microsoft (MSFT) now has 40 million Xbox Live users delving into simulated battle campaigns and sports matches ...
The Future of Video Games in Austin
University of Texas at Austin News
Event: The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), The University of Texas at Austin Department of Computer Science, and the International Game Developers Association-Austin are presenting a first-time event on the future of video games in Austin. ...
Average Gamer 1.20.12: DLC Edition
Welcome back to the Average Gamer. It's been a crazy week as I have just gotten home as I am posting this but none the less it has been a good week. So, by the time most of you are reading this, my area should be being hit with some sort of micro ...
Wayne Rooney pictured on his sofa playing video games? 500000 Facebook fans ...
Manchester Evening News
Wayne Rooney has set up a Facebook page by posting a picture of himself playing video games on the sofa at his home - and immediately earned half a million 'likes' on the social networking site. The 26-year-old Manchester United striker launched his ...
World's largest Joypad Unveiled: 'Guinness Gamer World Record' Winner
'We've been burning midnight oil like ninjas for the 2012 Gamer's Edition: witnessing record attempts, talking to developers and playing as many video games as we could handle," said Gaz Deaves, Guinness World Records Gaming Editor. ...
Check It Out: Story-driven video games are new norm
Daily Pilot
Video games have come a long way since the days of Mario rescuing a princess from Bowser and Pac-Man chasing after power pellets while avoiding his ghostly foes. In the last 15 years, video games have evolved into a story-telling medium, ...
The Best Video Games of 2011
Oxford Student
By | Last updated: 13:44, 20/01/2012 While some may have bemoaned the abundance of sequels (particularly those of the trilogy ending variety) and the general dearth of fresh properties, 2011 still remains one of the strongest years for the gaming ...
Diablo III undergoes major pre-release modifications
Globe and Mail (blog)
In addition to detailing the game's most recent and upcoming modifications, it provides a neat look into Blizzard's game design philosophy, offering explanations and reasoning for each change as well as a peek into how Blizzard views the gamer psyche ...
Globe and Mail (blog)
Show us your desk
PC Gamer Magazine
In the UK edition of PC Gamer we used to run a regular feature called Readers' Desks. In it, we would print our favourite picture of one of your desks and gently mock it for everyone's entertainment. We'd quite like to do that again. Especially Tim. ...
What it takes to be a champion gamer
Gamezine (GZ): What does it take to be a video games champion? Sami Cetin, Mario Kart pro racer (SC): "A lot of time and dedication. Obviously you need to have a real love and interest for the thing you're doing. Motivation is key - like a footballer, ...
Get to know your gamers: Jessica Brierton
This week's Get to Know Your Gamer features a co-worker of mine with a lot of expertise in the area of gaming. She's worked at Gamestop and the electronic section in her local Target; and is an avidgamer in her spare time. ...
Ash II: Shadows Now On The iOS
Every gamer has no doubt come across a few RPGs in their day. In fact, some of the better games I can remember from my early gaming career were the 8-bit RPGs like the early Final Fantasy games, into the more polished 2D RPGs like Tales of Destiny....
Machinima's Co-Op Life, a Web Series that Parodies Video Games
LA Weekly (blog)
By Stephanie Carrie Fri., Jan. 20 2012 at 7:00 AM It sucks when your Christmas party is invaded by Gauntlet demons. You have to don your warrior gear, get your party guests cross-bows, and try not to shoot the food. Luckily, roommates Jake Hames and...
LA Weekly (blog)
This week's video games
Arizona Daily Star
The ancient computer game gets a modern re-imagining, which sticks to the tried-and-true gameplay while bolstering it with an array of enhancements. The game is a virtual textbook for how to revitalize a dated franchise. The graphics are impressive, ...
Katy Perry, other celebs in video games
... in 'The Sims 3 Showtime' decked out just like my California Dreams Tour – even my cotton candy video screens are in there! I always like to think of myself as a cartoon, and now I'm a Sim!” Click through to see more video games featuring celebrities.
What's this generation's most critically acclaimed game series?
Though it's probably still far from over, this generation's given us some of the very best in video games. New IP's like Gears of War, Resistance and Uncharted have changed the way we perceive games – and helped push gaming in to the hearts and minds ...
Real gains via virtual pastimes
The Australian
VIDEO games generally get a bad press - think teens slumped over a screen rather than out playing sport - but some positive health-related benefits are emerging. Exercise games played on Nintendo's Wii or Microsoft's Kinect for Xbox are getting elderly ...
Review: Breaking Down The Five New "Gears of War 3" Maps In The "Fenix Rising" DLC
Complex.com (blog)
The DLC also includes seven new achievements (totalling 250 gamer points) and four new character skins: on the COG side, there's Recruit Clayton Carmine and Thrashball Cole (previously only unlockable in the beta). For the Locust, you get the Savage ...
Toddlers & Tablets: When Should Preschoolers Play Video Games?
Entertainment News from AP By Rachel Gardner, Producer - email By Joan Early - bio | email Much of that increase is attributed to the use of smartphones and computer tablets. Mom and dad's iPhone or iPad is quickly becoming the toy of choice for many ...
How To Make Your Own Video Game
Playing video games is all well and good, but making video games is a next-level challenge. Or, at least, it was, until the geek world devised some killer tool-kits to allow anyone with a knack for design and a cohesive vision the chance to create ...
Epic's 3D graphics wizard Tim Sweeney says business and technology are ...
Tim Sweeney is one of the gods of 3D graphics in video games. He is the founder and chief executive of Epic Games, the maker of blockbuster video games from Unreal to Gears of War. At the upcoming 2012 DICE Summit in Las Vegas, Sweeney will be inducted ...
Lana Del Rey: A beguiling beauty who's more than a one-hit wonder
The Independent
Since the singer's Video Games became a YouTube hit, her backstory has been the target of endless sniping. Just enjoy the mesmerising music, says Fiona Sturges Across the Irish Sea it's usually Dublin that gets a lot of shine for its party scene ...
BioShock Infinite to Feature New 1999 Mode
CPUGamer (press release)
“I'm an old school gamer. We wanted to make sure we were taking into account the play styles of gamers like me. So we went straight to the horse's mouth by asking them, on our website, a series of questions about how they play our games. ...
With Media, Parents and Kids Learn More Together
Whether kids are watching TV, creating digital media, reading, searching, or playing video gameswith parents, siblings or friends, consuming media becomes a different kind of experience than when it's done alone. Though TV is still the dominant media ...
Nintendo's Greatest Commercials
... by Richard George In the history of video games, few companies have out-marketed Nintendo. From the days of the Nintendo Seal of Quality and the "Now You're Playing With Power" campaign to Wii's non-gamer demos and "Wii Would Like to Play" ads, ...
Original-Gamer.com - Postal III Review
I've been a fan of the Postal series ever since I heard about the uproar caused by the first tit...
Original-Gamer.com Latest Updates
Gramers (Gamer Jocks)
Gramers (Gamer Jocks). Just a little observation I've made.
Funny Junk Latest Pictures
Could Video Games Be Good for You? | Care2 Healthy Living
By Chris, selected from NewsLook
A study suggests video games can be good for you, at least the ones that get you off the couch. The bonus is, they don't just work out your body - they also.
Care2 Healthy Living
Networked Politics » Blog Archive » Types Of Video Games
By KilcreaseVito182
Video games are sorted into many categories relying on the content. Going by that rule, many video games fit into multiple categories. Nonetheless, we are able to perceive the kind of nearly all video games, by a description of the type, which ...
Networked Politics
VIDEO GAMES: Capcom Finally Announces RESIDENT EVIL 6 With ...
The sequel to RE5 has been announced. Apparently, it will try to combine the best elements of RE4 and RE5. And it will feature two fan-favorite characters that have not appeared together in a game before. Hit the jump for the trailer and ...
Comic Book Movie
Mediatrix VoIP Gateways now IPv6 Ready » Village Gamer
By Tami
IP-based communications solutions provider Media5 Corporation has announced that its line of Mediatrix access devices and secure VoIP gateways running the DGW v2.0 application are Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) ready. Service ...
Village Gamer
Reset Gamer 7 – Being Sidetracked Is NOT Profitable | Proven Gamer
By news_bot
Find us on Facebook: ProvenGamer and click the “Like” button. You can also email us at ResetGamer@ProvenGamer.com. IMPORTANT: Please be sure to subscribe to the new ResetGamer feed in iTunes or RSS. Or if you like, you can ...
Proven Gamer
Free Gamer - Open Source Games: Traction Edge: Squad-Based ...
By qubodup
Free Gamer is a resource and commentary on Free Software and open source games where you can find many free games to play, lists of the best free games and analysis of free game development.
Free Gamer - Open Source Games
Session Proposal: Cultural Studies/Queering Video Games ...
By EDagogy
I am interested in bringing cultural studies — particularly gender and sexuality, race, and ideological studies — to bear on video games from platform to player to video game culture(s). I just did a lightning talk at MLA (Modern Language ...
THATCamp Games
The Brandeis Hoot » 2011 in video games: the best of a decent year
By Gordy Stillman
The Brandeis Hoot is the weekly community newspaper of Brandeis University, Waltham, MA.
The Brandeis Hoot
Postal 3 Review | bit-gamer.net
Postal 3 Review. Despite crass humour and over-the-top weapons, Postal 3 doesn't provide any surprises.
bit-tech.net Feed
Your Brain on Video Games | Kiwi Commons
By Guest Blogger
A Guest Blog Written By Kevin Roberts. While sensational stories of sedentary video gamers dying from blood clots regularly makes the news, the more widespread dangers from video games and the cyber world might well be found in the ...
Kiwi Commons
Lawyers Thought Video Games Could Help Explain Why Man ...
They were going to pin some of the blame on video games, according to the U.S. military's newspaper Stars and Stripes: Defense lawyers ... The Gamer's Guide ...
Gamer Resolutions
I asked people on Twitter to talk about what gamer resolutions they'd made. Most fit into ... Fear the Boot has an episode on "not overwhelming a new gamer." ...
The 25 best Skyrim Mods | PC Gamer
Ask any PC gamer what Skyrim's biggest flaw is and you'll get one answer: the inventory. The default UI is inelegant, slow and features far too much scrolling.

FAVORITE THE TRACK AT http://hypem.com/item/1h723/Left+Boy+-+VIDEO+ GAMES+feat ...
Hospital to study health benefits of video games - Technology ...
A Rhode Island hospital is investigating whether popular video games that make users jump, dance and exert themselves have any health benefits.
The Ludologist » The Rise of the Word “Gamer”
People often ask me about the origin of the idea of the “gamer”, as something that you may or may not identify as. I discussed this kind of “I am/am not a (casual) ...
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