Bend Bulletin
Adamowicz, who died on Feb. 9 at 43, was a concept artist whose paintings of exotic landscapes, monsters and elaborately costumed heroes and villains formed the visual foundation for two of the most popular single-player role-playing video games of all time.
California spent $2 million defending video games law
Designed to protect children from video games of murder and mayhem, a California law that was passed six years ago but never took effect wound up costing the state nearly $2 million. The final check for nearly a million dollars is expected to be ...
Video games to help cure cancer
Times of India
In a research lab at Wake Forest University, biophysicist and computer scientist Samuel Cho uses graphics processing units (GPUs), the technology that makes videogame images so realistic, to simulate the inner workings of human cells.
Video game graphics cards helpful tool in cancer research
Edmonton Journal
The next time you ask the Call of Duty addict in your life to please put away the video games, consider this: they could be helping find a cure for cancer. A researcher at Wake Forest University in North Carolina is using graphics processing units, ...
video game review
Youngstown Vindicator
AP video-game reviewer Lou Kesten called it an “intriguing mix of stealth and first-person shooting.” Unfortunately, a sequel that's arrived five years later isn't as much of a revelation. “The Darkness II,” developed by Digital Extremes instead of ...
New Video Game Releases (2/20) on Xbox 360, PS3, Playstation Vita, Nintendo ...
HawtWired (blog)
The video game release highlights on Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP, Nintendo DS and PC/Mac include the PlayStation Vita 3G and Wi-Fi handheld, The Syndicate, Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, ...
Violent video game can help some adults improve impaired vision
The Daily Star
By Kerry Sheridan VANCOUVER, Canada: Playing a video game that involves shooting enemies on a battlefield has helped some adults who were born with a rare eye disorder improve their vision later in life, scientists have said.
UK Video Game Chart: UFC 3 is No.1, but sales are down on the previous entry ...
THQ's UFC Undisputed 3 takes the All Formats All Prices UK No.1, the publisher's first chart topper since Homefront back in Week 11, 2011. However, the chart position doesn't tell the entire story, with the third game actually selling fewer units in ...
Video games bring a see change
DOCTORS have treated people born with a rare eye disorder by prescribing a course of gun-totingvideo games. Adults who played first-person shooter games for 40 hours a month improved enough to read one or two lines further down a standard chart used ...
Mortal combat for video game retailers
Technology Spectator
The 10-year campaign to create an R18+ video game rating is an interesting case study in industry lobbying. Just over 98 per cent of the 58000 submissions to a public enquiry on the issue were in favour of R18+ rating for video games.
Pokémon Video Game National Championships to Offer Exclusive Shiny Larvitar ...
Electronic Theatre
By ManPac (online) The Pokémon Company International today announced that there will be a unique character distribution at the 2012 Pokémon Video Game National Championships, taking place across Europe during March and April. Attendees will be able to ...
'Meta!Blast' video game makes biology more entertaining
Iowa State Daily
Students now have an interactive and interesting way to learn about biology through a medium many understand — video games. "Meta!Blast" is a video game that works to make learning biology more exciting for students. "I decided if you can go into and ...
Top 5 Places in Video Games You Can't Actually Get To
Houston Press (blog)
Some you can actually reach via hacks and glitches, some no, but the best backstages in video game history are... Still one of the greatest adventures of all time, Final Fantasy IV had a band of warriors attempting to stop an evil sorcerer named ...
F1 2011 PS Vita review: Proper Formula One, shrunk to fit
We know that the PS Vita is good at running driving games - it's one of the best-represented genres at launch. But can it do driving games that have pretensions towards being simulators? Currently, the only way to find that out is to play Codemasters' ...
BWW TV Exclusive: BACKSTAGE WITH RICHARD RIDGE: Lea Salonga on Life, Family ...
Broadway World
... Disneyland bestowed upon Salonga the honor of Disney Legend in the summer of 2011. Can't get enough of the famed Filipina? Click below for their intimate chat about her unparalleled career, family, and her obsession with video games. Associate John Dower Writes for Continue Magazine ...
LONDON (February 19, 2012) - associate John Dower is featured in Issue 1 of Continue magazine where he writes about motion capture for video games. “Motion capture and performance capture are fast becoming the industry standard ...
London 2012: The official video game of the Olympic Games
by Steven Williamson on 20 February 2012, 13:04 SEGA has been confirmed as the developer and publisher behind the video game tie-in for the London 2012 Olympic Games, which will launch in June to coincide with the anticipated sporting event.
Failed video-game law cost California $2 million
Deseret News
By Jim Sanders, McClatchy Newspapers AP In this June 24, 2011 photo, Grand Theft Auto video game on PlayStation 3 is displayed at Best Buy in Mountain View, Calif. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Designed to protect children from video games of murder and mayhem ...

Deseret News
Metal Gear Solid 3DS 'looks better than the HD update' - Edge review
Nintendo-Gamer: Lively combat... fun scenario design! Twoshoes: Can't wait to get my hands on this. ninjafox: The graphics look really impressive - can't wait! The_BAAD_Man: This is No1 on my list! ACRID: My most anticipated game of 2012.
Ever Wanted To Be A Video Game Tester Or Competitive Eater?
Business Insider
If that job is a travel writer, video game tester, competitive eater or food development tester, then it might be easier to live your dream than you think. Travel writers are passionate about traveling. They love going to new locations around the globe ...

Business Insider
New Video Game Releases: Feb 20 – Feb 26
With the official release of Sony's PS Vita and a few notable titles to boot, this is one week you won't want to miss out on. The biggest game release of the week is Starbreeze Studios' reboot of Syndicate. Unlike the original which was a tactical ...
MMA title contender Alistair Overeem opens up about his life as a gamer
In this exclusive interview with MMA heavyweight title contender Alistair Ovreem, the Dutch fighter talks about his history as a gamer, the evolution of games, and his surprising choice for his favorite game. At UFC 141, Alistair “Demolition Man” ...
Poker gamer wins HKD 6.2 million
Macau Daily Times
Local gaming operator Galaxy Entertainment Group said a gambler won HKD 6.2 million at a poker table at its Cotai resort Galaxy Macau. The Hong Kong visitor clinched the winning hand with a royal flush at Caribbean Stud Poker table, last Friday.
Still No R18+ Classification for Video Games Down Under « Dvorak ...
By honeyman
…snip… So why do we even need an R18+ classification for video games? Well as it stands, the highest rating that can be applied to a videogame in Australia is MA15+. Games with content exceeding the MA15+ definition must be “refused ...
Dvorak News Blog
Houston Press (blog)
Some you can actually reach via hacks and glitches, some no, but the best backstages in video game history are... Still one of the greatest adventures of all time, Final Fantasy IV had a band of warriors attempting to stop an evil sorcerer named ...
F1 2011 PS Vita review: Proper Formula One, shrunk to fit
We know that the PS Vita is good at running driving games - it's one of the best-represented genres at launch. But can it do driving games that have pretensions towards being simulators? Currently, the only way to find that out is to play Codemasters' ...
BWW TV Exclusive: BACKSTAGE WITH RICHARD RIDGE: Lea Salonga on Life, Family ...
Broadway World
... Disneyland bestowed upon Salonga the honor of Disney Legend in the summer of 2011. Can't get enough of the famed Filipina? Click below for their intimate chat about her unparalleled career, family, and her obsession with video games. Associate John Dower Writes for Continue Magazine ...
LONDON (February 19, 2012) - associate John Dower is featured in Issue 1 of Continue magazine where he writes about motion capture for video games. “Motion capture and performance capture are fast becoming the industry standard ...
London 2012: The official video game of the Olympic Games
by Steven Williamson on 20 February 2012, 13:04 SEGA has been confirmed as the developer and publisher behind the video game tie-in for the London 2012 Olympic Games, which will launch in June to coincide with the anticipated sporting event.
Failed video-game law cost California $2 million
Deseret News
By Jim Sanders, McClatchy Newspapers AP In this June 24, 2011 photo, Grand Theft Auto video game on PlayStation 3 is displayed at Best Buy in Mountain View, Calif. SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Designed to protect children from video games of murder and mayhem ...
Deseret News
Metal Gear Solid 3DS 'looks better than the HD update' - Edge review
Nintendo-Gamer: Lively combat... fun scenario design! Twoshoes: Can't wait to get my hands on this. ninjafox: The graphics look really impressive - can't wait! The_BAAD_Man: This is No1 on my list! ACRID: My most anticipated game of 2012.
Ever Wanted To Be A Video Game Tester Or Competitive Eater?
Business Insider
If that job is a travel writer, video game tester, competitive eater or food development tester, then it might be easier to live your dream than you think. Travel writers are passionate about traveling. They love going to new locations around the globe ...
Business Insider
New Video Game Releases: Feb 20 – Feb 26
With the official release of Sony's PS Vita and a few notable titles to boot, this is one week you won't want to miss out on. The biggest game release of the week is Starbreeze Studios' reboot of Syndicate. Unlike the original which was a tactical ...
MMA title contender Alistair Overeem opens up about his life as a gamer
In this exclusive interview with MMA heavyweight title contender Alistair Ovreem, the Dutch fighter talks about his history as a gamer, the evolution of games, and his surprising choice for his favorite game. At UFC 141, Alistair “Demolition Man” ...
Poker gamer wins HKD 6.2 million
Macau Daily Times
Local gaming operator Galaxy Entertainment Group said a gambler won HKD 6.2 million at a poker table at its Cotai resort Galaxy Macau. The Hong Kong visitor clinched the winning hand with a royal flush at Caribbean Stud Poker table, last Friday.
Still No R18+ Classification for Video Games Down Under « Dvorak ...
By honeyman
…snip… So why do we even need an R18+ classification for video games? Well as it stands, the highest rating that can be applied to a videogame in Australia is MA15+. Games with content exceeding the MA15+ definition must be “refused ...
Dvorak News Blog
PC Gamer UK – March 2012-P2P » Releaselog |
Pc Gamer Dvd Magazine The UK's best, and best-selling, PC games magazine. Trusted by both the public and the industry to deliver the most authoritative, honest, informative and entertaining reviews, PC Gamer is the ultimate buyers' guide ...
Releaselog |
Sunday Ad Video Game Deals (2/19/12 to 2/25 ... - Cheap Ass Gamer
A current listing of cheap video games, video game sales and video game deals: CAG.
Cheap Ass Gamer (US Feed)
Recent Studies Confirm: Video Games are not That Bad After All ...
By admin
Playing a video game can be used as a personal reward. Adults can use this as an incentive to finish a task that they find particularly tedious. Younger children can be taught that video games come after fulfilling responsibilities, and that ...
Media Blood Hound
9GAG - 10 True random video game facts
10 True random video game facts. mitzah | 1 day ago 29834. Love. Pin It · 10 True random video game facts. Comments. Fix this post | Report post | Unknown sauce. Y U No Signup?! Recommended. Three most read words in the world ... Site Feed
10 True random video game facts. mitzah | 1 day ago 29834. Love. Pin It · 10 True random video game facts. Comments. Fix this post | Report post | Unknown sauce. Y U No Signup?! Recommended. Three most read words in the world ... Site Feed
2009 Pokemon Video Game Championships (b-roll) - Scholarships
By cheyingtan
The two-day championship event emphasized the skill, strategy, creativity and fun involved in playing the Pokémon Trading Card and video games. The top 60 video game players from the United States, Japan and Europe earned an invitation ...
Highlights relationship between video games and TV series ...
By Rihard Raza
Highlights relationship between video games and TV series. By Rihard Raza | February 19, 2012. For years the formula for creating the game was similar to the way to create a big-budget Hollywood movie. The immediacy of video games is a ...
Science Gobble
PC Gamer UK_March 2012 » - Download Last Releases
By elit3man
Pc Gamer Dvd Magazine The UK's best, and best-selling, PC games magazine. Trusted by both the public and the industry to deliver the most authoritative, honest, informative and entert. - Download Last Releases
Perform Free Video games Online – Rest and Chill out While ...
By Sandy
Perform Free Video games Online – Rest and Chill out While Stimulating The mind. After a challenging hard trip to work, we all have got to find something to help us online strategy games and unhappy. You are able to play it again on ...
F - Guide The Ultimate
Golf Stinks Golf Blog: Could The Future of Golf Rely On Video Games?
By Chris Chirico
Now, my youngest boy is interested in buying his own set of clubs! And I have to say, a golf video game is partially responsible for this. So what could this mean for the future of this sport? Could golf video games help influence kids to pick up a ...
Golf Stinks Golf Blog
Sexuality in… Video Games Awesome | Fusion Magazine
By Kat Cortner
The chat room trolls Fraser the most calling him “Fwash Fwash” a keeping a counter of how many times he dies (in the video game) during the show. Since the show is basically just the 5 of them playing video games,there really is no sexuality ...
Fusion Magazine
PWNED #17 | BF 3, Kingdoms of Amalur :Reckoning , Star Wars ...
EA Video Games ... On the latest edition of the now twice-monthly PWNED: ... Play PWNED #16 Battlefield 3, Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, Syndicate ...
The best Steam Workshop Skyrim mods | PC Gamer
Last night, the Steam Workshop was updated to support Skyrim mods. It's a central repository for community made content, from tiny tweaks to total overhauls .
When Video Game Characters Finally Snap |
... forced to follow the orders of a dimwitted taskmaster, video game characters will eventually snap.... The Collateral Damage Video Games Never Show ...
ScrewAttack Video Game, Video Game Vault: Magic Carpet | Video ...
Watch the ScrewAttack Video Game Vault: Magic Carpet online at GameTrailers. com. Post comments online about ScrewAttack on the Game Trailers website.
Watch the ScrewAttack Video Game Vault: Magic Carpet online at GameTrailers. com. Post comments online about ScrewAttack on the Game Trailers website.
First-person-shooter video game provides therapy for rare eye ...
First-person-shooter video game provides therapy for rare eye disorder. By Agence France-Presse Friday, February 17, 2012 21:19 EST. Print. video-games- flickr ... Maurer, who said she is not a “gamer,” admitted some reticence to asking ...
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