After the last game was made in 2001, the series has become sort of an also-ran in gamer circles, not really getting the amount of respect it probably deserves. Well, don't worry Wizardry, I am giving you respect right now. Respect for going out on the ...
Failed legal fight over video games costs California nearly $2 million
Sacramento Bee
By Jim Sanders Designed to protect California kids from video games of murder and mayhem, a law that was passed six years ago but never took effect wound up costing state taxpayers nearly $2 million. The final check for nearly a million dollars is ...
Video Games: Building a Brand Outside of the Basement
Business 2 Community
Whether the individual is a child learning basic mathematics on the Nintendo Wii or a business executive looking to kill some time on the train ride home with some Angry Birds, it appears now that everyone is a gamer, even if they don't play video ...
Video games bring a see change
Sydney Morning Herald
DOCTORS have treated people born with a rare eye disorder by prescribing a course of gun-toting video games. Adults who played first-person shooter games for 40 hours a month improved enough to read one or two lines further down a standard chart used ...
Sydney Morning Herald
Violent video games help boost vision: Study
Maurer, who is not a "gamer," admitted some reticence to asking people to play a violent video game for her study. "Certainly we don't relish asking adult patients who are non-gamers to play a first-person shooter for 40 hours," she said.
Video Games Helps To Improve Eyesight [Research]
Brunei News, Brunei Headlines from Brunei fm
I have always brought good news for gamers, last time I have told you about how playing video games can reduce your stress and earlier I have also posted about how to stay fit by playing video games. Now I have another one of those great news for you ...
Video games help improve eye disorder
Gulf Times
By Ian Sample/Vancouver Doctors have treated people born with a rare eye disorder by prescribing a course of gun-toting video games. The surprise results challenge the view that computer games are necessarily bad for sight.
Gulf Times
The Health Benefits of Call of Duty and Mario: Video Games Make Society A ...
... the market for video games is growing. That certainly worries some family advocacy groups and politicians, but it need not worry the rest of us for one reason: on balance, gaming makes us a healthier, happier and smarter society. I'm not the gamer...
Video Games: 'Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3' regains top spot in video-game ...
Press of Atlantic City
The top renting video game titles at US Blockbuster stores for the week ending Feb. 12: uses Facebook as its primary method for story commenting on the site. This feature allows you to share easily content and comments with your ...
Samsung Series 7 Gamer (700G7A)
Expert Reviews
Samsung's latest high-end laptop, the Series 7 Gamer, has been designed with one thing in mind – as its name suggests, the 17in desktop replacement is aimed at anyone looking for a portable gaming powerhouse. The laptop is powered by a quad-core Intel ...
Expert Reviews
Thief makes off with video games and wine
Allentown Morning Call
Police say thief stole video games, laptop and bottles of wine from E. Allen Twp. home By Tyrone Richardson, Of The Morning Call An unknown person stole electronics and bottles of wine from an East Allen Township home last week, police said Sunday.
Almost One out of four Jordanians play Video Games
Ammon News
AMMONNEWS - Video Games remain a very popular source for entertainment, according to the National Media Analysis “NMA” study conducted by Ipsos Jordan on Bi-annual basis, as it shows that almost One out of Four Jordanians over the age of 15 play Video ...
Ammon News
By Tyler Lee Video games always take their fair share of hits from researchers and the media for basically being the fall of civilization as we know it. That in mind, it's nice to see some research that shows video games is a more helpful light.
Students create video games
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) - Do you ever wonder how a video game is put together? Several students had the opportunity to learn how certain games are made, as well as craft one of their own on Saturday afternoon. More than 30 students traveled from as ...
In defence of 'adults only' video games
Eureka Street
He wrote on the ABC's The Drum website last April that in recent research he conducted he found that youth exposed to violent video games actually engaged in more pro-social behaviours. The scholarly community, he says, is becoming quite skeptical ...
Eureka Street
Adam Adamowicz, Artist for Lush Video Game Worlds, Dies at 43
New York Times
9 at 43, was a concept artist whose paintings of exotic landscapes, monsters and elaborately costumed heroes and villains formed the visual foundation for two of the most popular single-player role-playing video games of all time.
New York Times
Moms Talk: The Video Game Debate
Are you concerned about your children's exposure to violent or war-based video games? Share your thoughts with us in Moms Talk Q&A. If you have children in the current age of technology, you may or may not have the ambivalent feelings I possess towards ...
The beginning of a homerun game franchise
Daily Camera
By Marc Camron Rocky Mountain Gamer The term "Dream Team" likely conjures thoughts of an amazing sports team. So leave it to a sports icon to bring the Dream Team concept to video game design. "Kingdom's of Amalur: Reckoning" is the brainchild of ...
Gearing Up for Mass Effect 3
The biggest difference is that Best Buy's @Gamer magazine comes with hundreds of dollars of coupons in each issue. Amazon is offering most editions of Mass Effect 3 with a $10 gift card and the M55 Argus Rifle, the exception being that the PS3 ...
Rift Sets World Record For Most In Game Marriages In A Day
Guinness World Records will log the marriages and the record will be considered for inclusion in the 2013 edition of the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. All participating players will receive the unique in-game title “The Avowed” and hopefully ...
Seeing their 'Unicorn' come to life: Filmmaker brothers find inspiration in ...
Daily Herald
That's the basic blueprint for the locally filmed and independently produced gamer comedy “Unicorn City,” which opens Friday at theaters in Utah. The main character, Voss, is a slacker in the real world, but an orc-vanquishing “bardladin” (a ...
WWE: If THQ Goes out of Business, Who Picks Up the WWE Video Game License?
Bleacher Report
THQ, the video game company responsible for 31 of the 50 video games WWE has ever produced, has been experiencing some trouble with their business lately. There have been announcements that THQ will be closing their branch in Japan at the end of this ...
Bleacher Report
Play it to death
Bangkok Post
When we first heard of Lana Del Rey and listened to her highly acclaimed single Video Games, we were blown away _ mainly by the mystery and suspense surrounding the artist rather than the song itself. It's something that a lot of critics are still ...
Bangkok Post
Machinima's secret to original drama is its audience
19, 2012, 12:01am PT 1 Comment The most notable thing about gamer-focused web video network Machinima isn't its thriving Director's Program, its 1.3 billion monthly video views or 149 million uniques (as of January 2012). It's this — getting people to ...

Lana Del Rey on Mulberry front row to show off bespoke bag by fashion label
The Video Games singer went for a casual yet chic look in stonewash blue jeans, a white blouse and baseball jacket. She was joined by Elizabeth Olsen, Michelle Williams and Pixie Geldof in the prime seats at the catwalk show in the Ballroom at ...

Wii U: The next total entertainment machine?
Over the past couple of years, video game consoles have become much more than just machines on which to play video games -- they've become entertainment consoles. In an entertainment world that's constantly getting more and more crowded with devices ...
'Soulcaliber 5' best yet in series
Sentinel and Enterprise
Fighters hold a unique place in the world of video games: simple to pick up and play, but incredibly difficult to master. To casual fans, "Soulcalibur V" -- for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 -- may feel like just another rehashing of a familiar mold.
Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
San Diego Reader (blog)
Directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (Crank, Gamer) must hold their audience in equal contempt for that is the exact feeling one is left with by picture's end. Who ordered a sequel to Ghost Rider? Did the first film make that much money? (Yikes!
Beanies for Baldies: Caring boy's creations help cancer patients
Shelbyville Times-Gazette
By MITCHELL PETTY ~ Most 10-year-old boys spend a good amount of their free time playing video games or worrying about what the girls in class think about them. Preston Allen of Murfreesboro is not like most 10-year-old boys.

Shelbyville Times-Gazette
The Top Ten Banned Video Games of All Time
By Jill Harness
It might not surprise you that Call of Duty 4 was banned in the Middle East or that Postal was banned in Australia, but some of these top ten banned games are a bit of a shock. For example, Mass Effect was banned in Singapore for its lesbian ...
19, 2012, 12:01am PT 1 Comment The most notable thing about gamer-focused web video network Machinima isn't its thriving Director's Program, its 1.3 billion monthly video views or 149 million uniques (as of January 2012). It's this — getting people to ...
Lana Del Rey on Mulberry front row to show off bespoke bag by fashion label
The Video Games singer went for a casual yet chic look in stonewash blue jeans, a white blouse and baseball jacket. She was joined by Elizabeth Olsen, Michelle Williams and Pixie Geldof in the prime seats at the catwalk show in the Ballroom at ...
Wii U: The next total entertainment machine?
Over the past couple of years, video game consoles have become much more than just machines on which to play video games -- they've become entertainment consoles. In an entertainment world that's constantly getting more and more crowded with devices ...
'Soulcaliber 5' best yet in series
Sentinel and Enterprise
Fighters hold a unique place in the world of video games: simple to pick up and play, but incredibly difficult to master. To casual fans, "Soulcalibur V" -- for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 -- may feel like just another rehashing of a familiar mold.
Review: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
San Diego Reader (blog)
Directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor (Crank, Gamer) must hold their audience in equal contempt for that is the exact feeling one is left with by picture's end. Who ordered a sequel to Ghost Rider? Did the first film make that much money? (Yikes!
Beanies for Baldies: Caring boy's creations help cancer patients
Shelbyville Times-Gazette
By MITCHELL PETTY ~ Most 10-year-old boys spend a good amount of their free time playing video games or worrying about what the girls in class think about them. Preston Allen of Murfreesboro is not like most 10-year-old boys.
Shelbyville Times-Gazette
The Top Ten Banned Video Games of All Time
By Jill Harness
It might not surprise you that Call of Duty 4 was banned in the Middle East or that Postal was banned in Australia, but some of these top ten banned games are a bit of a shock. For example, Mass Effect was banned in Singapore for its lesbian ...
Free Gamer - Open Source Games: Xonotic 1v1 grand final
By Julius
A post about Xonotic 1v1 grand final on the open source game development and free software gaming blog Free Gamer. Posted by Julius at 3:31 PM. Submit to Digg, FSDaily, Reddit. Tags: 3d, genre-fps, mode-multiplayer, platform-linux, ...
Free Gamer - Open Source Games
Quality Index: The week's best iPhone games ... - Pocket Gamer
Pocket Gamer is the world's leading destination for games on iPhone and iPod touch. Get news, previews, reviews, tips, features and practical guides for: iPhone and iPod touch.
Pocket Gamer |
Newsalert: Failed legal fight over video games costs California ...
By Steve Bartin
Obama-Chicago Democratic Machine. Gun Control Monopolists. The Ron Paul Revolution. Organized Crime...Other Politically Incorrect matters of interest. Sunday, February 19, 2012. Failed legal fight over video games costs California nearly ...
Gamer Roulette: Group Gaming Guide | Neon Tommy
By eparra
Gamer Roulette: Group Gaming Guide ... Whether it's reviews, previews, or FAQ's, matters that are professional or just personal, make sure you check Neon Tommy every week for all sorts of interesting tidbits in the world of video games.
Neon Tommy | the voice of annenberg...
Vita Isn't Losing Vital Support, says Sony | GGS Gamer
By Tabitha Wang
With the First Edition Bundle already in the hands of many an eager gamer, and the proper launch set for the upcoming week, this sort of rumor can be quite damaging. For one, nobody wants to hear a lack of industry enthusiasm after dropping ...
GGS Gamer
gamer: Группа Poets of the fall в России!
By сотрудник магазина S-Mart
23.03.2012 - Glav Club,Санкт-Петербург 24.03.2012 - Arena Moscow, Москва.
Компьютерная игра...
Gamasutra - News - What's NASA doing making video games?
While not normally known for video game development, NASA has released two new games that aim to teach players about aeronautics research, and ...
Teens With Autism Preoccupied With TV, Video Games: Study ...
When given the opportunity to have screen time, children with autism spectrum disorders typically choose television and video games over social interactive ...
Science Says Video Games Are Good For Your Eyes - News - www ...
Video games are GOOD for your eyes! by magnumnum Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 04:36 PM. lol. by Smidgens Saturday, February 18, 2012 at 04:38 PM ...
OMFGcata's Channel - YouTube
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) One Moderately Funny Gamer. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. Loading... 264557 subscribers. 78977972 video views. Featured · Feed · Videos ...
HARDOCP - MMA Champ Is A Gamer
MMA Champ Is A Gamer ... I guess, now that I think about it, it makes perfect know, because video games = violence. big grin. Growing up, I was big ...
Velocity Gamer | 'Dark Souls' Review | N4G
Velocity Gamer reviews the greatly anticipated 'Dark Souls'. Click the link to see what we really thought of the game. (Dark Souls, PS3, Xbox 360) 4.5/5 ...
Dani Bunten changed video games forever | Cover Stories ...
The story of a (largely) forgotten game designer from Arkansas.
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