Financial Times
Although some 216 games companies were created between 2008 and 2011, almost the same number – 197 – went out of business in that time, according to TIGA. According to PwC, the global market for video games will grow from $52.5bn in 2009 to $86.8bn in ...
Gamer's Grasp: Sweet Virtual Love
Baruch College The Ticker
Unless you're single and living your love life vicariously through video games. In that case, sorry lovelorn, but fictional characters have it better than you do. Though proximately geared towards males, this doesn't mean there isn't a more romantic ...
Love and Warcraft: Spouses Being Pushed Aside For Video Games: A survey has ...
Chicago Tribune
More than 65 percent of spouses who don't play video games said they fight with their husband or wife about gaming, and 75 percent of respondents said that their spouse's habit has negatively affected their marriage. [Competition promotes digital ...
Video Games: What You'd Really Rather Not Know
Family Practice News Digital Network
Moreover, when youths with ADHD play video games, their ADHD symptoms subside. And when children who meet the criteria for IAD but don't have ADHD are placed on methylphenidate (Ritalin) their IAD symptoms decrease, he said at the meeting.
Family Practice News Digital Network
NYTF 2012: NECA Brings Video Games & Movies to Toys
Comic Book Resources
The company's booth at Toy Fair looked like a DVD and video game collection come to life thanks to a variety of characters from up-and-coming video games and classic films from the '80s with huge fan followings. Director of Product Development Randy ...
Gamer's Piece: Romance in video games
UConn Daily Campus
When that game was digitally released back in 2008, it opened the eyes of every gamer to the very ceiling in how much games have changed since the 2D "Legend of Zelda" games. Now video gamescould be an allusion for how psychologically warped a concept ...
Ron Stephens tweaks plan to add video games to Georgia lottery
Savannah Morning News
Ron Stephens is tweaking his plan to add video games to Georgia's lottery. The Savannah Republican's goal: A politically acceptable way to bail out the state's ever-more-financially strapped HOPE scholarship program. His new wrinkle is to let the state ...
Australian government says yes to R18+ video games bill
Australia is set to get an R18+ classification for video games within a year. Picture: EA Source: Supplied AFTER 10 years of fighting and negotiations, a bill that will usher in an 18+ category for video games has been introduced.
This Pixel-Perfect Chiptune Rendition of Lana Del Rey's "Video Games ...
Soulful songstress Lana Del Rey made a splash last year with her single "Video Games", a song that repeated the term 'video games' several times, causing many gamers to fall instantly in love despite the games in question being used as an example of ...
Video games boost creativity
The Asian Age
“I have spent more time in cafes playing online games, than attending college,” confesses Mikhail Mehra, 26, a professional gamer. Mikhail is the winner of World Game Masters Tournament, 2006, a unique computer gaming event held once a year.
Lana Del Rey Takes 'Video Games' to 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' (VIDEO)
Hollywood Reporter
Continuing her post-"Saturday Night Live" redemption tour, the singer offers another TV performance and leaves little room for backlash. Lana Del Rey has faced a difficult challenge since her January appearance on Saturday Night Live.
Notch 'can do' $13 million Psychonauts 2 budget
I'm a console gamer but I've bought every single one of the LucasArts point and click games. And the first Psychonauts. And brutal Legend. And Costume Quest! I'd say it's just the problem with the industry going mainstream- trying to please the masses ...
Bees-IceMen running gamer
OK, I'm giving this a go for tonight. I'm not optimistic but let's give it a whirl. If the updates stop you'll know what happened. Seriously, what's the obsession with these Bees sweaters? My favorite night the Bees wear them will be the last time.
Twisted Metal film is on the way
Together the pair made Crank 1 and 2, Gamer, and the newly-released Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. The film will be produced by Marvel CEO Avi Arad, who previously acted as producer on every superhero movie you've ever seen... or most of the ...
How Playing Online Video Games Can Help Your Marriage
Slate Magazine (blog)
By Torie Bosch MySlate is a new tool that you track your favorite parts Slate. You can follow authors and sections, track comment threads you're interested in, and more. Massively multiplayer online role-playing games like World of Warcraft have been ...
Slate Magazine (blog)
Why NASA's really into making video games
CNET Australia
But while the US space agency has spent decades launching spaceships and working on other important projects, it also puts some of its resources into much smaller efforts, such as makingvideo games. The list of games that NASA has worked on is quite ...
Is Handheld Gaming Doomed?
A new GameSpot Trax Gamer Insights survey asked 2500 GameSpot readers worldwide about their purchase intent for the system, and only 12 percent of respondents said they would definitely be picking one up at some point. For comparison, last month's Trax ...
TGA's Most Anticipated Games of 2012 - Nick McCandless
The Gamer Access (blog)
2011 was an amazing year to be a gamer. Arguably offering the best software lineup this console generation with titles such as Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, Gears of War 3, Killzone 3, and many more, 2012 has high expectations to live up to in order ...
Bioshock Infinite will be better on the PS3.. maybe
Even though 3D is very expensive for the everage gamer there are a lot of rich gamers out there that wants and can enjoy this feature. So even if a lot of people are not using it just the fact that the option is there for those who can or maybe later ...
Han Yi Ying, a Popular Chinese Gaming Host, Becomes FIRST Female Non-Korean to...
Professional Gaming Life
Han Yi Ying, AKA “MisS”, a former Warcraft 3 pro-gamer and a popular gaming TV host in China, decides to follow her dream of living the life of a pro-gamer by signing with StarTale. She becomes the first female foreigner to be signed by a Korean ...
Professional Gaming Life
Amazing Spider-Man Video Game Generates Excitement
On Video Games
There are some great races and obstacle courses as well that can challenge thegamer and make for that realistic Spider-Man experience. This game is going to have a lot to live up to and there should be nothing that is second rate considering it's a ...
On Video Games
Global Entertainment Industry to Reach US$1.4 Trillion by 2015, According to ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Despite the recession casting a dampener on entertainment, certain segments such as movies,video games and home entertainment industry continued to remain afloat in the tough economic climate. The fact that entertainment offers an escape route to ease ...
Mainstream: America's Cultural Death Smartphone Game Apps
Those two qualities ruin them and video games as a whole. Today, video games are special; they can be literary, gorgeous, visceral, enthralling, and many other adjectives once only used to describe Academy Award nominees and Pulitzer Prize winners.
Why studios need to think about the ethics of social gaming
The Guardian (blog)
Social and free-to-play games are the future of the video games industry. Long gone are the days where you have to pay £50 upfront in the hope that the product won't suck. Today you can start playing a game, for free, and only if you like it can you ...
The Guardian (blog)
Students Build Games After Bell Rings
By Olivia Wilmsen - email SIOUX CITY, IA - Dozens of students at West Middle School in Sioux City are learning that video games aren't all fun and games. There's hours of hard work behind every minute of play. The school's after-school technology club ...
These are the tactics that women will use to trick gamers into sleeping with them
Cuz, you know, gamer dorks have their pick of the litter and all. … Actually, it's part of an article that deals with sexism in gaming, which honestly doesn't make any major revelations, at least for most educated individuals out there.
Zynga bumping up Dream Heights App Store ... - Pocket Gamer
Naughty!. Click to read the full 'Zynga bumping up Dream Heights App Store average rating following myriad one-star reviews from Tiny Tower fans' news article. For more Dream Heights news and Multiformat news, visit
Pocket Gamer |
VIDEO GAMES: First Look At The Walkers From THE WALKING ...
Reporting on comics being made into movies. Focusing on these properties coming soon: The 5th Batman movie Batman Begins, The Fantastic Four movie, Superman 5--the new superman movie, X-Men movie sequel X3, Hulk 2 movie, ...
Comic Book Movie
Teens With Autism Preoccupied With TV, Video Games: Study ...
By Nelson Alonso
TUESDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- When given the opportunity to have screen time, children with autism spectrum disorders typically choose television and video games over social interactive media, such as email, a new study finds .
Health News
Gamer Promo: Full-Auto Goes Virtual | The Truth About Guns
By Tim McNabb
Gamer Promo: Full-Auto Goes Virtual. Posted on February 14, 2012 by Tim McNabb · YouTube Preview Image. Makers of the video game Twisted Metal have parked a replica of Sweet Tooth the Clown's demonic ice cream truck in the desert ...
The Truth About Guns
Resident Evil 6: Capcom Detail New Control System, Characters ...
Resident Evil 6: Capcom Detail New Control System, Characters, Enemies. Tom Hopkins. Capcom reveals new details for Resident Evil 6. Published on Feb 15, 2012. Resident Evil 6 will feature an "evolved control system" that will enable ...
Resident Evil 6: Capcom Detail New Control System, Characters, Enemies. Tom Hopkins. Capcom reveals new details for Resident Evil 6. Published on Feb 15, 2012. Resident Evil 6 will feature an "evolved control system" that will enable ...
Professor Nakamura Discusses Discriminatory Behavior in Video ...
By Student Admin
Professor Nakamura Discusses Discriminatory Behavior in Video Games ... “I was kind of surprised that people would base gamer's skill level on ethnicity and gender before even seeing them play,” said Dustin Henderson, a first-year computer science major, after the discussion. Nakamura and others pointed out that a major reason for this behavior is linked to anonymity. There are often little to no consequences for such behavior in online games, especially since no physical ...
The Bottom Line
My Family Tests Video Games |
By admin
I have come to respect someone as a game tester a lot more now than I ever used too. Originally I thought most of these people where just immature kids who.
UT News » Blog Archive » UT gamer tradition to take place this ...
By Nicolette Jett
More than 900 gaming enthusiasts from across the country travel to attend an annual gaming conference hosted by UT BASH. BASHCon XXVII will be the place to be Friday through Sunday, Feb. 17-19, in the Student Union. UT BASH, a ...
UT News
Comparison: PSV Launch and PS3 Launch | Video Games News ...
By Jason Dunning
Playstation Vita launch to that of the Playstation Portable and the Nintendo 3DS For the last comparison Vita launch Playstation 3 launch.
Trendy Gamers | Video Games Reviews,...
My personal The best 5 Online video Video games Of the Year ...
By joedirt
Because the new year is nearly upon us it is a great time to consider a look back at what I believe are the best 5 video games of previous year. They're also the games that we think will be the most likely to become well-known heading to the ...
Teens With Autism Preoccupied With TV, Video Games: Study ...
From Yahoo! News: TUESDAY, Feb. 14 (HealthDay News) -- When given the opportunity to have screen time, children with autism spectrum disorders typically ...
Top Love Scenes In Video Games -
In honor of Valentine's day, we've compiled the most romantic love scenes in the history of gaming into one video. Great video game lovers like Commander ...

You need Adobe Flash Player to watch this video. Download it from Adobe. Alert icon. Upgrade ...
tiltfactor » Blog Archive » Beauty is in the eyes of the gamer, by goyo
12. 2012. Beauty is in the eyes of the gamer, by goyo. In 2005 film critic Roger Ebert set off a cyber lucha libre when he declared, “Video games can never be art.
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