The Atlantic
Plenty of popular series have ended with controversy; the phenomenon is not limited to video games. The finales to Lost, Battlestar Galactica, and The Sopranos drew considerable amounts of criticism. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had similar issues with ...
The Atlantic
How Hideo Kojima Became a Legendary Video-Game Designer
The Atlantic
Video games sit at the confluence of history, technology, and art in such a way that's found in no other medium, a place where influences from every creative field meet, mix, and recombine. Few have benefitted more from this environment than Metal Gear ...

The Atlantic
Tiger Woods goes controller-free for new video game
What video games did you play growing up? The first video game I played was Pong. It was fun because I grew up on Atari 2600, and that was the game console at the time and it became the 5200 and then I think Nintendo came out with theirs and kind of ...
Video games become an art with Smithsonian exhibit
Kansas City Star
Melissinos is the guest curator of "The Art of Video Games," a new exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC He now works for VeriSign but, at one point, he was the chief gaming officer at Sun Microsystems. Born April 2, 1970, ...
Disney sketches sequel to 'Epic Mickey' video game
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Warren Spector realizes that he made a mistake with "Epic Mickey," his 2010 action-adventure game starring the world's most famous mouse Despite his insistence on crafting an interactive homage to the silent cartoons that inspired ...

The Associated Press
Video Game Review: MLB 12 The Show
New York Daily News
By Ebenezer Samuel / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Madden's 3DS debut had a near-invisible feature set. NBA 2K12 on the PSP played like an arcade game. MLB The Show has never owned the PSP, and just about every sports game on the iPad has been a thorough ...

New York Daily News
'Star Wars' Video Game Creators Could Add 'Darth RuPaula,' A 'Transgender ...
Huffington Post
Perhaps not surprisingly, a number of rightwing groups have spoken out against "Star Wars: The Old Republic," a video game which allows players to engage in same-sex relationships. The game has already sparked the ire of the American Decency ...
Video Game Review: Nicktoons MLB 3D
New York Daily News
2K Play has the honor of being the first company to produce a baseball video gamefor the Nintendo 3DS, but its planned kid-friendly effort winds up striking out. Nicktoons MLB 3D messes up the one thing you don't want to blow in a kids baseball video ...

New York Daily News
'Mass Effect 3' ending will be changed after video-gamer backlash, Bioware ...
New York Daily News
One gamer went as far as filing an FTC complaint against Bioware for “false advertising.” Muzyka said that the Bioware staff pored over the Twitter, Facebook and message-board comments. But he also defended the current product, pointing out that “most ...

New York Daily News
MLB 2K vs. MLB the Show: A Sports Video Game Series Comparison
Yahoo! Sports
Contributor Network 9 minutes ago I absolutely love sports video games—especially baseball. I will try nearly any new baseball video game as soon as possible. So far, I have played only the 2011 edition of The Show from the Play Station Network, ...
Congressmen Want To Put Cigarette-Style Warning Labels on Educational Video Games
are co-sponsoring The Violence in Video Games Labeling Act, which states that due to research that shows video games can cause violence in children, all violentvideo games should carry a label that reads: “WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has ...

Video Game Review: 'Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations'
... inspiration for art and music, and several video games. The latest video game release, “Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations,” is the newest in the fighting game series and brings a ton of exciting action to thegamer that already ...
Congress wants new warning labels on video games
TG Daily
It seems like every few years a new bill surfaces in DC that attempts to ban so-called "violent" video games or relabel them with yet another, more intrusive rating system. For many years, the ESRB has labeled video games based on content.

TG Daily
Jo Games Releases its Newest Video Game Platform
Houston Chronicle, one of the Internet's premier video game publishers, is proud to announce the release of its newest gaming platform, Jo-Games 2.0. The platform is currently being beta tested and is slated for official release at the end of March, 2012.
Epic Mickey 2 Will Be… A Video Game Musical
Falling in line with the tradition of classic Disney movies like The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, the second Epic Mickey may very well be the first full-fledged video game musical. I'll let that sink in for a second. OK, what?
Prairietown renovation takes cues from video games
The Oshkosh Northwestern
FISHERS, Ind. (WTW) — A central Indiana historical park is undergoing some video game-inspired upgrades. The Conner Prairie living history museum in Fishers will add remodeled historic structures and new programming and hands-on activities to its 1836 ...
U-turn on video games tax relief
Financial Times
“Today I am announcing our intention to introduce similar schemes for the video games animation and high-end TV production industry.” The UK's games sector has been campaigning for nearly a decade for tax relief to help combat a brain drain to ...

Financial Times
Congressmen Wants Warning Labels On Video Games Rated “E” And Up
The Violence in Video Games Labeling Act stems from studies that have shown how video games are linked to aggressive behavior in children and teenagers. “The video game industry has a responsibility to parents, families and to consumers — to inform ...

UK Government reveals tax breaks for video game industry
by Mike Rose [Console/PC, Business] The UK Government today announced that it intends to introduce tax relief for the UK video games industry, as it aims to make Britain "Europe's technology centre." The Labour Government had previously said that it ...

South Korea and the Missing Video Game Section
It's not impossible to find console video games being sold in a regular Korean department store, but you'll be hard pressed for a proper selection. I live near a mall that relegates its video game section into a small corner in the back of a kid's toy ...
Congress Is Courting Another "Video Games Are Bad, Mkay" Warning Label Law (blog)
have introduced yet another bill to get warning labels slapped on video games. This one doesn't even discriminate by type or rating; it simply covers all games rated E, E10, T, M or A. When was the last time we even had an A(dult)-rated game in this ...
Budget 2012: Tax breaks set to boost video game industry
Accountancy Age
In his Budget earlier on Wednesday Chancellor George Osborne announced corporation tax relief from April 2013 for the video games, animation and high-end television industries. Although the tax relief is worth only a relatively small amount (£50m by ...
Family Values Group Rails Against Hypothetical Transgender Darth Vader Video Game
The headline of the alarmist new missive asks: "Will the makers of Star Wars video gamescreate Darth VaPaula, a (mock) transgender version of Darth Vader - RuPaul, for kids to choose as their action player?" The mock-up image at the top of this post ...
UKIE welcomes video games tax breaks announcement
21 March 2012 - London, United Kingdom – Games and interactive entertainment trade body UKIE has welcomed the announcement made in today's budget to introduce a production tax credit for the UK's video games industry. The Chancellor today announced ...
Affording video games during the recession
Solano Tempest
Putting a muzzle on entertainment spending as a gamer has been a necessary step in keeping our collective heads above water. As gamers, this can have devastating consequences. I'm not a thief so I won't steal or pirate games, but I will save every ...
Brave: The Video Game comes out Fighting
Pixar films are invariably great *cough* not Cars 2 *cough* and they often come with tie in video games. This is the case with Brave: The Video Game, which will follow the co-op trend of Up and Toy Story 3. Few facts are known about the game,...
More Moms Turn to Video Games
First Coast News
While some busy women opt for exercise, massages and spa treatments to unwind, others are increasingly turning to an unlikely source of relaxation: video games. It's the latest trend: a whopping 70 percent of casual gamers are women -- and, ...

First Coast News
Video Games Live adding smaller venues in 2012, help bring it to your town
by Alexander Sliwinski on Mar 20th 2012 5:00PM Video Games Live will celebrate nearly a decade of success in 2012 by heading "off the grid" and hitting up smaller venues and towns across the globe. "We continually receive thousands of emails a year ...
New Bill Looks to Place Warning Labels for Aggressive Behavior on Almost All ...
Two House Representatives introduced a bill called "The Violence Video GamesLabeling Act, HR 4204" on Monday, which warns buyers that video games can cause aggressive behavior. The bill was proposed by Reps. Joe Baca (D-Calif.) and Frank Wolf (R-Va.).

Budget 2012: tax breaks extended to animation and games industries
The Guardian
Wallace & Gromit will continue to be made in the UK, George Osborne claimed in his budget speech, as he unveiled a film industry-style tax break to encourage development in the animation and video game sectors. The chancellor's financial incentive will ...

The Guardian
Korean Baseball Players Are Walking Video Game Advertisements ...
By Chi Lee
Korean Baseball Players Are Walking Video Game Advertisements Now · nexon Lotte ... Video games in Korea have become a phenomenon in itself, and big businesses in Korea, to quote Jurassic Park, move in herds. The partnership of two ...
US bill proposes video game warning labels | GamesRadar
US bill proposes video game warning labels. Reps. Joe Baca and Frank Wolf introduce Violence in Video Games Labeling Act. Words: Matt Bradford on March 21, 2012. 0 Comments. Email ...
GamesRadar - News
Violent Video Game Labeling Act Is Based On Logical Fallacy ...
By Eric Limer
Unlike the Fourkiller bill, which was pretty much unconstitutional from the get-go, the “Violence inVideo Games Labeling Act” seems to have no such Achilles' heel. Moreover, from a non-gamerperspective, it seems pretty harmless, so why not ...
Yet Another Attempt To Place Warning Labels On Video Games ...
By News
Last year, we reported on the bill presented by Representatives Joe Baca and Frank Wolf that would require video games in the U.S. to carry a vague (and untrue) warning about their link to violence. At the time, the proposed message was: WARNING: Exce... ... The Supreme Court also rejected the key study claiming a link exists when they ruled California's anti-violent video gamelaw to be unconstitutional. With all that, you'd think Baca and Wolf would know better than to fight for ...
PHP Hosts
The Gamer's Guide to the iPad | PCWorld
Apple's OS X isn't exactly a gamer's paradise. But the same can't be said about iOS--especially when it comes to the iPad. In some ways the iPad is the perfect ...
Follow @sobeq
The Atlantic
Video games sit at the confluence of history, technology, and art in such a way that's found in no other medium, a place where influences from every creative field meet, mix, and recombine. Few have benefitted more from this environment than Metal Gear ...
The Atlantic
Tiger Woods goes controller-free for new video game
What video games did you play growing up? The first video game I played was Pong. It was fun because I grew up on Atari 2600, and that was the game console at the time and it became the 5200 and then I think Nintendo came out with theirs and kind of ...
Video games become an art with Smithsonian exhibit
Kansas City Star
Melissinos is the guest curator of "The Art of Video Games," a new exhibit at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington, DC He now works for VeriSign but, at one point, he was the chief gaming officer at Sun Microsystems. Born April 2, 1970, ...
Disney sketches sequel to 'Epic Mickey' video game
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Warren Spector realizes that he made a mistake with "Epic Mickey," his 2010 action-adventure game starring the world's most famous mouse Despite his insistence on crafting an interactive homage to the silent cartoons that inspired ...
The Associated Press
Video Game Review: MLB 12 The Show
New York Daily News
By Ebenezer Samuel / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Madden's 3DS debut had a near-invisible feature set. NBA 2K12 on the PSP played like an arcade game. MLB The Show has never owned the PSP, and just about every sports game on the iPad has been a thorough ...
New York Daily News
'Star Wars' Video Game Creators Could Add 'Darth RuPaula,' A 'Transgender ...
Huffington Post
Perhaps not surprisingly, a number of rightwing groups have spoken out against "Star Wars: The Old Republic," a video game which allows players to engage in same-sex relationships. The game has already sparked the ire of the American Decency ...
Video Game Review: Nicktoons MLB 3D
New York Daily News
2K Play has the honor of being the first company to produce a baseball video gamefor the Nintendo 3DS, but its planned kid-friendly effort winds up striking out. Nicktoons MLB 3D messes up the one thing you don't want to blow in a kids baseball video ...
New York Daily News
'Mass Effect 3' ending will be changed after video-gamer backlash, Bioware ...
New York Daily News
One gamer went as far as filing an FTC complaint against Bioware for “false advertising.” Muzyka said that the Bioware staff pored over the Twitter, Facebook and message-board comments. But he also defended the current product, pointing out that “most ...
New York Daily News
MLB 2K vs. MLB the Show: A Sports Video Game Series Comparison
Yahoo! Sports
Contributor Network 9 minutes ago I absolutely love sports video games—especially baseball. I will try nearly any new baseball video game as soon as possible. So far, I have played only the 2011 edition of The Show from the Play Station Network, ...
Congressmen Want To Put Cigarette-Style Warning Labels on Educational Video Games
are co-sponsoring The Violence in Video Games Labeling Act, which states that due to research that shows video games can cause violence in children, all violentvideo games should carry a label that reads: “WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has ...
Video Game Review: 'Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations'
... inspiration for art and music, and several video games. The latest video game release, “Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations,” is the newest in the fighting game series and brings a ton of exciting action to thegamer that already ...
Congress wants new warning labels on video games
TG Daily
It seems like every few years a new bill surfaces in DC that attempts to ban so-called "violent" video games or relabel them with yet another, more intrusive rating system. For many years, the ESRB has labeled video games based on content.
TG Daily
Jo Games Releases its Newest Video Game Platform
Houston Chronicle, one of the Internet's premier video game publishers, is proud to announce the release of its newest gaming platform, Jo-Games 2.0. The platform is currently being beta tested and is slated for official release at the end of March, 2012.
Epic Mickey 2 Will Be… A Video Game Musical
Falling in line with the tradition of classic Disney movies like The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, the second Epic Mickey may very well be the first full-fledged video game musical. I'll let that sink in for a second. OK, what?
Prairietown renovation takes cues from video games
The Oshkosh Northwestern
FISHERS, Ind. (WTW) — A central Indiana historical park is undergoing some video game-inspired upgrades. The Conner Prairie living history museum in Fishers will add remodeled historic structures and new programming and hands-on activities to its 1836 ...
U-turn on video games tax relief
Financial Times
“Today I am announcing our intention to introduce similar schemes for the video games animation and high-end TV production industry.” The UK's games sector has been campaigning for nearly a decade for tax relief to help combat a brain drain to ...
Financial Times
Congressmen Wants Warning Labels On Video Games Rated “E” And Up
The Violence in Video Games Labeling Act stems from studies that have shown how video games are linked to aggressive behavior in children and teenagers. “The video game industry has a responsibility to parents, families and to consumers — to inform ...
UK Government reveals tax breaks for video game industry
by Mike Rose [Console/PC, Business] The UK Government today announced that it intends to introduce tax relief for the UK video games industry, as it aims to make Britain "Europe's technology centre." The Labour Government had previously said that it ...
South Korea and the Missing Video Game Section
It's not impossible to find console video games being sold in a regular Korean department store, but you'll be hard pressed for a proper selection. I live near a mall that relegates its video game section into a small corner in the back of a kid's toy ...
Congress Is Courting Another "Video Games Are Bad, Mkay" Warning Label Law (blog)
have introduced yet another bill to get warning labels slapped on video games. This one doesn't even discriminate by type or rating; it simply covers all games rated E, E10, T, M or A. When was the last time we even had an A(dult)-rated game in this ...
Budget 2012: Tax breaks set to boost video game industry
Accountancy Age
In his Budget earlier on Wednesday Chancellor George Osborne announced corporation tax relief from April 2013 for the video games, animation and high-end television industries. Although the tax relief is worth only a relatively small amount (£50m by ...
Family Values Group Rails Against Hypothetical Transgender Darth Vader Video Game
The headline of the alarmist new missive asks: "Will the makers of Star Wars video gamescreate Darth VaPaula, a (mock) transgender version of Darth Vader - RuPaul, for kids to choose as their action player?" The mock-up image at the top of this post ...
UKIE welcomes video games tax breaks announcement
21 March 2012 - London, United Kingdom – Games and interactive entertainment trade body UKIE has welcomed the announcement made in today's budget to introduce a production tax credit for the UK's video games industry. The Chancellor today announced ...
Affording video games during the recession
Solano Tempest
Putting a muzzle on entertainment spending as a gamer has been a necessary step in keeping our collective heads above water. As gamers, this can have devastating consequences. I'm not a thief so I won't steal or pirate games, but I will save every ...
Brave: The Video Game comes out Fighting
Pixar films are invariably great *cough* not Cars 2 *cough* and they often come with tie in video games. This is the case with Brave: The Video Game, which will follow the co-op trend of Up and Toy Story 3. Few facts are known about the game,...
More Moms Turn to Video Games
First Coast News
While some busy women opt for exercise, massages and spa treatments to unwind, others are increasingly turning to an unlikely source of relaxation: video games. It's the latest trend: a whopping 70 percent of casual gamers are women -- and, ...
First Coast News
Video Games Live adding smaller venues in 2012, help bring it to your town
by Alexander Sliwinski on Mar 20th 2012 5:00PM Video Games Live will celebrate nearly a decade of success in 2012 by heading "off the grid" and hitting up smaller venues and towns across the globe. "We continually receive thousands of emails a year ...
New Bill Looks to Place Warning Labels for Aggressive Behavior on Almost All ...
Two House Representatives introduced a bill called "The Violence Video GamesLabeling Act, HR 4204" on Monday, which warns buyers that video games can cause aggressive behavior. The bill was proposed by Reps. Joe Baca (D-Calif.) and Frank Wolf (R-Va.).
Budget 2012: tax breaks extended to animation and games industries
The Guardian
Wallace & Gromit will continue to be made in the UK, George Osborne claimed in his budget speech, as he unveiled a film industry-style tax break to encourage development in the animation and video game sectors. The chancellor's financial incentive will ...
The Guardian
Korean Baseball Players Are Walking Video Game Advertisements ...
By Chi Lee
Korean Baseball Players Are Walking Video Game Advertisements Now · nexon Lotte ... Video games in Korea have become a phenomenon in itself, and big businesses in Korea, to quote Jurassic Park, move in herds. The partnership of two ...
US bill proposes video game warning labels | GamesRadar
US bill proposes video game warning labels. Reps. Joe Baca and Frank Wolf introduce Violence in Video Games Labeling Act. Words: Matt Bradford on March 21, 2012. 0 Comments. Email ...
GamesRadar - News
Violent Video Game Labeling Act Is Based On Logical Fallacy ...
By Eric Limer
Unlike the Fourkiller bill, which was pretty much unconstitutional from the get-go, the “Violence inVideo Games Labeling Act” seems to have no such Achilles' heel. Moreover, from a non-gamerperspective, it seems pretty harmless, so why not ...
UKIE Welcomes Video Games Tax Breaks Announcement - This Is ...
By Jason Andrews
Games and interactive entertainment trade body UKIE has welcomed the announcement made in today's budget to introduce a production tax credit for the UK's video games industry. The Chancellor today announced that a tax credit would be ...
This Is Xbox
By Jason Andrews
Games and interactive entertainment trade body UKIE has welcomed the announcement made in today's budget to introduce a production tax credit for the UK's video games industry. The Chancellor today announced that a tax credit would be ...
This Is Xbox
Yet Another Attempt To Place Warning Labels On Video Games ...
By News
Last year, we reported on the bill presented by Representatives Joe Baca and Frank Wolf that would require video games in the U.S. to carry a vague (and untrue) warning about their link to violence. At the time, the proposed message was: WARNING: Exce... ... The Supreme Court also rejected the key study claiming a link exists when they ruled California's anti-violent video gamelaw to be unconstitutional. With all that, you'd think Baca and Wolf would know better than to fight for ...
PHP Hosts
The Gamer's Guide to the iPad | PCWorld
Apple's OS X isn't exactly a gamer's paradise. But the same can't be said about iOS--especially when it comes to the iPad. In some ways the iPad is the perfect ...
Follow @sobeq