By AP April 12: Market tracker NPD Group says US retail sales of video game hardware, software and accessories fell 25 percent in March from a year earlier to $1.1 billion. It marked the fourth month of decline as Sony Corp.
Smithsonian explores the art of video games
Los Angeles Times
By Jamie Wetherbe Art is in the eye of the beholder, or in the case of the Smithsonian's new exhibit, the gamer. “The Art of Video Games” takes game-boys and -girls through four decades of video game history showcasing interviews of early game creators ...
Los Angeles Times
Are video games art?
Washington Post
Sean Healy, 9, left, of Potomac, Maryland, and Neve Monigan, 8, of Dayton, Ohio, play Super Marion Bros at the exhibition, the Art of Video Games at the American Art Museum thru September 30, 2012. Chris Melissinos created his first video game when he ...
Biz Break: A changing video game industry shows up in Zynga, Nintendo results ...
San Jose Mercury News
Three video game companies hit the news Thursday in very different ways, showing the varying fortunes of companies in the rapidly changing sector of the tech industry. San Francisco-based Zynga -- in the forefront of the newer social-network-related ...
The Top 10 Video Game Athletes of All Time
PC Magazine
By Jeffrey L. Wilson Sports, the athletic contest between competitors for fun, profit, and glory, are known for incredible matches between larger-than-life characters—sporting video gamerepresentations are no different. Early arcade machines and home ...
Action Video Games Change Brains
Product Design & Development
This is the first time research has attributed these differences directly to playing video games. Twenty-five subjects — who had not previously played videogames — played a game for a total of 10 hours in one to two hour sessions.
In-depth: Kevin Bacon in video games
by Alex Norton [Console/PC, Design] My project team has the distinct honor of listing actor Kevin Bacon in the 'Special Thanks' portion of our credits, but I doubt he has any idea that he's in there. The fact is, he's had a very large – albeit unknown ...
A New Music Video Turns To '90s Video Games Like Duke Nukem for Inspiration
New York Times (blog)
The dancing is reminiscent of so-bad-its-good 1990s video game animation. And the whole thing feels flat and Photoshopped — also in a good way, the perfect accompaniment to Hynes's retro kitsch approach to catchy pop. Here T Magazine hosts the ...
Video Game Quick Hits 4/27/2012
Big Shiny Robot!
Can you believe it? April's almost over. A week from now we'll be geeksplashing movie screens across the country as we watch The Avengers release the Power of Whedon all over Loki and his hideous aliens. Well, most of us will be.
Big Shiny Robot!
Watch video game characters run from left to right
By Keith Shaw Add a new comment April 27, 2012, 2:27 PM — It seems so simple, but when you combine a ton of video game characters from the 8-bit era all running from left to right (there is a pause in the middle where some stop and run left for a bit ...
Did a violent video game cause Winter Haven man to kill students?
WTSP 10 News
The chief told reporters Wednesday that Davis was addicted to the video game, Battlefield 3 and played out violent scenarios non-stop. Chief Hester said, "[Davis] told the detectives freely and talked very freely about playing that game on a daily ...
WTSP 10 News
Walden Pond: The Video Game looks as dull as it sounds
By Keith Shaw Add a new comment April 27, 2012, 11:38 AM — From Nicholas Carr [via Galleycat] comes this gem: development of a video game based on the writings of Henry David Thoreau and his Walden Pond experience. The game offers such action as ...
Mario and The Greatest Video Game Franchises
The Entertainment Bureau
I saw an image on reddit recently pointing out that the release of Mario 64 was closer temporally to the dawn of video games than present day. Made me feel old. Feldman: Excellent first one to mention. The Nintendo 64 was the first truly 3D gaming ...
The Entertainment Bureau
Justin Blackmon Interview: He's Also a Video Game All-Star
First Coast News
They connected with my agent and my agent knew that I played video games and things of that sort. They let me able to be part of this team. There's this one now any sports game I love to play. Any game as long as it keeps me entertained and there's ...
First Coast News
Montreal studios donate video games to libraries
Montreal Gazette
Montreal's major video game studios will help the city more than quadruple its collection of video games in local libraries. The agreement will allow games to be lent out in all of Montreal's 27 libraries, where previously only eight libraries had ...
Fascinating 'Indie Game' gets into heads of video-game developers
The Seattle Times
A movie review of "Indie Game: The Movie," a fascinating documentary about independent video-game developers — young guys tapping at keyboards in lonely rooms creating works of art. By Soren Andersen 'Indie Game: The Movie,' with Jonathan Blow, ...
If you like old-school video games, you'll love this
Daily Press
You like video games? The retro, old-school type? Then you will not only like this event, but you will love the goofy video advertisement for it. Currently there are no comments. Be the first to comment! NOTE: Comments area is for meaningful discussion ...
'Go Right' Goes Viral On YouTube, Proves Video Games Can Be Art [VIDEO]
International Business Times
The immense sum of video games that followed the exact same outline is forever tied to our youth. They're side-scrollers, they're simple, and they're some of the greatest games ever made. Side-scrolling games, the type where a protagonist moved from ...
International Business Times
Allen's competitiveness carries to video game
Purdue Exponent
The Purdue cornerback has just defeated his 27th-straight follower from Twitter in NCAA Football 2012 on the XBOX 360 after he issued a challenge on the social network to follow anyone who beat him at the video game. “When I was coming up, ...
7 video game facts that could save the world
Politicians, intellectuals and other useless busybodies today are no different, but their target of choice isn't Elvis, Batman or philosophers; it's video games. Well, here's some news for the insufferable bores who think they know better than the rest ...
Smithsonian museum explores the art of gaming
Washington Post
When Chris Melissinos was 12, he created his first complete video game. That might not impress today's young video game enthusiasts, but Melissinos's inspiration was the electronic equivalent of a cave drawing. “My first exposure to video games was ...
Video games: Art or not? Tell us what you think.
Washington Post
Do you think video games are art? Send us your opinion in no more than 100 words. We will publish some of the letters we receive in an upcoming issue of KidsPost. If we publish your letter, we will send you a KidsPost T-shirt.
Major video game villains to cameo in Disney film
GMA News
Even video game villains have their cool moments - like doing cameo appearances in an upcoming Disney movie. And in 3-D, to boot. The cameos are due November 2 in "Wreck-It Ralph," a 3-D computer-animated Disney movie, according to a report on tech ...
Which Video Game Characters Would You Go Gay (Or Straight) For?
Commenter chadboban wonders about that, and puts the question to you: Are there any video game characters you'd go gay (or straight) for? Here's chadboban: Are there any video gamecharacters you'd go gay for? I mean you could be as straight as a ruler ...
Social gamer Zynga posts winning earnings
Online social games star Zynga has beaten Wall Street earnings expectations with quarterly results showing it gained users and pumped up revenue. Zynga posted net income of $US47.05 million ($A45.54 million) on revenue that climbed to $US321 million ...
The Average Gamer 4.27.2012: Football Edition
In the video game world, I am still focused on Mass Effect 3 and now Tiger Woods '13 with a bit of NBA 2k and NHL '12 being played as well. I cannot believe I am still playing a game from the first quarter of the year. Hell, I am still playing two ...
The Dead Aren't - Video Game Proves It
Bright Side of News*
Their music legacy has been revived in the form of a video game released by Curious Sense. We'll have to see if Deadheads change their allegiance from vinyl to video. Deadheads, fans of the psychedelic folk rock band, tagged along with the group from ...
Bright Side of News*
That Glorious Moment When Video Games Win Against Marriage
Unlike in-game marriages, real-life marriages can be problematic when video games are involved. Andrew Allen, a USC film student and a lifelong gamer, acts out these troubles in his latest episode of games versus marriage. Featured is Gears of War, ...
Retro Gamer Tetris Swimsuit | GeekAlerts
By Ryan Cooper
Basically it is a sexy one piece swimsuit for women that features the classic video game Tetris. I guess this also serves as a reminder that swimsuit season is coming. ... by the shape my body is in, regardless of which swimsuit I wear. Too many video games and too much bacon… Retro GamerTetris Swimsuit. BlackMilk Retro Gamer Swimsuit. Composition: Polyester/Nylon/LYCRA; Designer: James Lillis; Made in: Australia. Order the Retro Gamer Swimsuit for AU $90 at BlackMilk.
Geek Alarm
Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog: From LOW to PWNED [3 ...
Several (tm) months back I did my talk on "From LOW to PWNED" at hashdays and BSides Atlanta. The slides were published here and the video from hashdays is here, no video for BSides ATL. I consistently violate presentation zen and I try ...
Carnal0wnage & Attack Research Blog
Video Games Survey: Many Want More Regulation on Violent ...
By Anne Pilon
The debate over video game violence has been re-opened recently, but games with weapons and other types of violence are no strangers to controversy. What do most Americans think about the amount of violence in video games today?
Jay-Z To Launch 'Empire' Facebook Video Game -
Rapper Jay-Z is following his peer 50 Cent into social networking - he's set to launch a game based on his life via 50 Cent, real name Curtis Jackson, has teamed up with bosses at G...
Starpulse Entertainment News
Old school gamer dropping a truth bomb | What Would JT Do?
By JT Eberhard
27 Responses to “Old school gamer dropping a truth bomb”. leftwingfox says: April 27, 2012 at 2:09 pm. Ha, I bought the Nintendo ... I remember my first video game consoles. They weighed around 300 pounds, were located in archaic places ...
Freethought Blogs
The Best Windows Phone Gamer in The World
By Saijo George
Zebrasqual you are The Best Windows Phone Gamer in The World and the efforts you put in to unlocking those achievements will no longer go unnoticed. It looks like the drive to unlock achievements are no longer limited to the console and in ...
Best Windows Phone 7 Games Review...
RON PAUL VIDEO GAME « The Burning Platform
By Administrator
Ron Paul Video Game In Development. April 25, 2012 | ISSUE 48•17. Ron Paul supporter Daniel Williams has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a video game called Ron Paul: Road to REVOLution. What do you think? What better ...
The Burning Platform
The Walking Dead Video Game Released on Xbox LIVE | Daily Dead
By Jonathan James
The first episode of The Walking Dead video game was released earlier this week on the PC, Mac, and the PlayStation Network. Thankfully, the delay on the Xbox.
Daily Dead
By Jonathan James
The first episode of The Walking Dead video game was released earlier this week on the PC, Mac, and the PlayStation Network. Thankfully, the delay on the Xbox.
Daily Dead
Retro Gamer – Issue 102, 2012-P2P » Releaselog |
Retro Gamer Magazine is the only gaming magazine in the UK that's totally dedicated to all aspects of retro gaming. If you're a fan of Jet Set Willy, or still feel that the ZX Spectrum is the best games machine of all time then this is the magazine ...
Releaselog |
Youngsters Game titles – Choosing the Right Video Games For your ...
By IT Guru
Whenever video games have been 1st launched, we'd basic game titles such as area intruders, Pac person and tennis games - don't forget pong? Anyone cherished to. ... Fortunately for parents, the actual video gaming industry provides set a new rankings program in position to aid pick the bestvideo game for the grow older. This technique could be the Entertainment Software program Ratings Aboard, often known as the actual ESRB. The intention of this technique is always to rate ...
ConservaTibbs: Video games are not to blame for Breivik massacre
By Scott Tibbs
He played video games, especially first person shooters. This is silly. Millions upon millions worldwide play video games, and the video game industry brings in more revenue than Hollywood. And yet the vast majority of players are not violent ...
Editorial: Should We Let The Government Decide The Creative ...
By Alex Martinet
Throughout the history of video games, the oldest stereotype surrounding the industry has always been do violent video games affect player behavior and personality. It is a known fact that people who play games are exposed to more violence ...

PWNED #22. EA Video Games ... On the latest edition of PWNED: ... PlayPWNED #21 Tiger ...
Ron Paul video game debuts this summer
A video game featuring Ron Paul and his libertarian ideas is being developed by a Texas programmer.
20 Cute Video Game Characters You Don't Want To Mess With - Digg
Just because a character is cute doesn't mean that they can't flip and rip you a new one. As a matter of fact, quite a few video game characters that you want to ...
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