New York Daily News
By Ebenezer Samuel / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Angry Birds Space takes the visuals and the gameplay of the popular original to whole new levels. How do you reinvent a game that was an instant classic? How do you evolve a game that captured everyone's ...
New York Daily News
Video Games Of Old: Debating The Very Worst Sports Game Intro Of All Time
SB Nation
By Jon Bois - Featured Contributor Last week, we examined the very best intro sequences from sports video games of years past. Now, it's time to take our medicine and sort through the very worst. Man. The 20th century was horrible.
Video-game review: 'The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings: Enhanced Edition'
Bellingham Herald
By BILLY O'KEEFE - McClatchy-Tribune If it's possible for anything to emerge triumphant from the fallout over "Mass Effect 3's" roundly disappointing (and, according to no less than the Better Business Bureau, misleading) ending, you're looking right ...
Pa. man sues 'Assassin's Creed' video games' maker
The suit alleges that the video game series is substantially similar to "Link," a novel he published in 2003. Beiswenger is seeking up to $5.25 million in damages. A spokesman for "Assassin's Creed" maker Ubisoft Entertainment said Monday that the ...
Justin Blackmon joins Ubisoft's video game all-star team
Blackmon, who had played previous Ghost Recon games, chatted with Game Hunters about the draft, Ghost Recon: Future Soldier and video games, in general. Do you have a feel for where you'll be playing next year? I have no idea.
Can video games promote healthier aging?
New York Daily News
Berlin, April 24 — Videogame technology has significant benefits for older adults by providing cognitive stimulation and being a source of social interaction, exercise, and fun, say two new studies. The first of the studies was co-authored by Hannah ...
Time spent playing video games pays off for student
Complaints by some parents to their school-aged children that video games "aren't good for you" may not necessarily be true. Apparently, a "PlayStation" mentality can pay off for students interested in aviation and could lead to a future career in that ...
Hackers convert MIT building in giant Tetris video game
By Brock Parker, Town Correspondent In the latest of a long line of stunts, pranksters at MIT converted the entire side of a high-rise building into what appeared to be a giant Tetris video gameboard last Friday. Using the lights inside the Green ...
Video Games Hold Promise for Healthy Aging
New research suggests that video game technology can be a valuable tool for helping people of all ages improve lifestyle and health habits and manage disease. Researchers have discovered that “exergames” have significant benefits for older adults by ...
SPARX Video Game Shown Effective in Treating Depression in Youngsters
by Gene Ostrovsky on Apr 24, 2012 • 11:11 am Researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand just published promising results of a study comparing avideo game they designed to help treat depression in teenage kids against traditional...
BU video game program recognized by Princeton Review
Peoria Journal Star
With as many as 150 institutions now offering coursework and degrees in video game design and development, Bradley recently received mention on the Princeton Review's annual listing of schools offering video game programs. The video game industry has ...
The gamer scientist: Fifth-grader Xavier Downey finds science fair success by ...
Hesperia Star
Can video games distract someone from pain? (Yes — those playing video games reported less pain from having their hands submerged in ice than those who weren't playing video games.) • Are standard video game controllers better than “real world”-style ...
VIDEO GAME REVIEW: Puzzle-platformer 'FEZ' much more than it seems
Central Michigan Life
While solving the depths “FEZ,” players will experience revelatory moments unmatched by almost every other video game. It's a great game for people who just want to play through the story once, but players who immerse themselves within the world will ...
Video Game Quick Hits 4/24/2012
Big Shiny Robot!
PixelJunk has released some incredible games on PSN and the brand carries a lot of name power. But I'm still a little confused about their next release, PixelJunk 4am. A beta is opening soon and it's set for launch next month. But what is it?
Big Shiny Robot!
SPARX video game treats depression in youngsters
Of course, the kids in the study group averaged 15 years old of age, and there are still many other factors to take into consideration when it comes to counseling such youth using a video game. Perhaps there will be expansion packs in the future which ...
Video Game Review: Devil May Cry HD Collection
GMA News
Capcom has cemented its legacy in the gaming industry with certified hits that have become household names to people around the world. From Street Fighter to Megaman to Resident Evil, their products have appealed time and again to fans across the globe ...
Video Game Deal: MASS EFFECT 3
by Matt Goldberg Posted:April 24th, 2012 at 8:32 am Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day is Mass Effect 3 for $29.99 (50%) for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. While Bioware and EA have tried to bill the final installment in the trilogy as a place where ...
Calling All Girls: The Video Gaming Industry Offers Exceptional Opportunities ...
Huffington Post
(Photo caption: Smithsonian Museum Video Games Exhibit features interviews with video gamedesigners, developers, writers, composers, and scholars -- all men.) Among other impacts, all of this makes the world of video gaming fertile ground for ...
Call of Duty and World of Warcraft: Did Video Games Play a Role in Norway ...
As Breivik's trial continues, another possible explanation for the mass shooting of last year has been provided: a history of excessive violent video game playing. Breivik has recently revealed that he played 16 hours of video games a day for a year, ...
Can Video Games be Successful Besides in Entertainment?
Knickerbocker Ledger
Right now, video games have morphed into a huge entertainment mongrel that has difficulty staying innovative and fresh. With the difficulty video game companies and developers are faced with (pre and used games, price cuts, delays, falling short of ...
Cut the junk food and video games
Bethany Beach Wave
Students line up for lunch at the Southern Delaware School of the Arts. / CHUCK SNYDER/ DELAWARE WAVE Obesity is a real problem, especially among children. It's such a problem that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has predicted our ...
Ron Paul Video Game Allegedy Ripped Off "Mario"
Creator dismisses “trolls,” Austrian economics silent on the issue. posted Apr 24, 2012 1:42pm EDT Ron Paul Video Game Allegedy Ripped Off &q... The Ron Paul video game currently in the works from a Paul supporter in Texas has drawn criticism for ...
Gamer's Domain #12 for 4/23/12
Marshalltown Times Republican (blog)
Hello and welcome to the 12th Gamer's Domain! I'm Levi Castle, and I have just had a brief taste of an excellent game! Assuming you follow the video game world, you already know (and probably participated) that Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a ...
Video Game Cheats
Played any map at level 5 or higher in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend. Raced with Sebulba's Podracer, alone or with a friend. Crossed the finish line last in a race, alone or with a friend. Completed the Podracing Destiny as a Rookie, ...
Video games not OK in clubs: HC
Deccan Chronicle
The Karnataka High Court has ruled that police authorities should not insist on any licence for recreational association or clubs, who carry out legal activities for the benefit of its members. But the court made it clear that it shall exclude games, ...
Ron Paul upgrading from presidential candidate to video game superhero
The Verge
The Texas representative has long been an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve System, and now a loyal Libertarian supporter named Daniel Williams is helping translate that cause to the world ofvideo games. According to the project's Kickstarter ...
Video games promote healthy ageing
Video game technology is proving to be a valuable tool for helping people of all ages improve lifestyle and health habits and manage disease. New research is showing that exergames have significant benefits for older adults by providing cognitive ...
An Incredible Pixel Tribute to Video Games
By Luke Plunkett
An Incredible Pixel Tribute to Video Games Sure, there's the odd movie, music or TV reference here, but for the most part, this poster by artist Slovenian artist Matej Jan is one giant who's who of the heroes of the video game world, past and ...
Video game review: OOTP 13 Baseball
By Troy Patterson
Does the newest version of this baseball sim game pass the test?
The Hardball Times
Video Games, Intelligence, and…Happiness? — Evangelical Outpost
By J.F. Arnold
A defense of video games? Being a gamer myself, I couldn't help but click through, to see what sorts of arguments were going to be put forward. I did not expect the arguments to primarily focus on intelligence. In fact, that hasn't been an argument I've ever thought to make; I don't consider my gaming tendencies as a way to improve my intellect, ... I don't go to a video game to learn, but I may find myself thinking about the importance of a good narrative while playing a game like Bastion.
Evangelical Outpost
Eye Level: The Art of Video Games: The Music
By Jeff
Austin Wintory is the composer behind such video games as Journey and flOw. Wintory will be doing a pre-concert Q&A on April 29th at 2:30 p.m. before the University of Maryland Gamer Symphony Orchestra plays in the museum's Kogod ...
Eye Level
Impulse Gamer: Ridge Racer Unbounded Review | N4G
Impulse Gamer: Ridge Racer: Unbounded is the latest instalment of the long standing Ridge Racer series and the first console release in a number of years. The developers have taken a completely different direction than previous titles.
N4G: xbox360 news feed
'Walking Dead' Video Game Is Now Available
By Josh Wigler
'Walking Dead' Video Game Is Now Available. Posted 4 hours ago by Josh Wigler in Image Comics, News, video games. The Walking Dead. Bummed that "Walking Dead" is off the air until October? Don't be: in addition to the comics (which are rapidly approaching the milestone issue #100), you can get your "Dead" fix with the new "Walking Dead" video game from Telltale, available for purchase today on PC, Mac and PSN. Split into a series of downloadable episodes, "The Walking ...
Splash Page
Five Crazy Video Game Endings Worse Than Mass Effect 3 -
By MolotovCupcake
Video game endings, like the culmination of most pieces of media, vary wildly from piece to piece. Forget, if you will, about Mass Effect 3 for just a moment. Try and erase it from your mind. Because as heinous as you think the ending may be, ...
G4 TV - TheFeed
Video Game Reviews | Bloodforge | RotoRob
By Herija Green
If ever a video game review deserved to be written in all caps, it's Bloodforge. The second installment of Microsoft's Arcade NEXT promotion from developer Climax Studios is overflowing with unbridled rage as guttural yells and severed limbs ...
Risen 2: Dark Waters Review - Free video game downloads, news ...
AtomicGamer has the latest Review of Risen 2: Dark Waters. Browse our content to find the other Reviews from Risen 2: Dark Waters and your other favorite games.
AtomicGamer - Articles
Video Games As Art, Ctd - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily ...
By Andrew Sullivan
Where is the mention of the Mass Effect franchise and its amazing 100+ hour, cohesive sci-fi narrative - which has, more than once, been labelled the Star Wars of the video game generation? (It even allowed the players to form a homosexual ...
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Great Moments In Video Game Humour: Devil May Laugh His Ass ...
By Mike Fahey
One could liken a video game boss fight to a pair of actors on a stage engaged in a heated argument, trading overblown barbs instead of blows. In Devi...
Kotaku Australia
Ron Paul, the Video Game, is Coming
By Greg Ferenstein
Libertarian hero, Ron Paul, is about to become an actual super hero in this fan-made game, Ron Paul: road to REVOlution," slated for later this summer.
What's Trending with Shira Lazar
New Video Game Releases Week 17, 2012 - Video Games Blogger
By Ferry
Video Game Xbox 360 controller powering on New Video Game ... The biggest of the new titles are Prototype 2, Risen 2: Dark Waters, and The Walking Dead video game. New on the ... What video games will you be playing this week? Any of ...
Video Game Walkthroughs, Video...

"*heavy breathing * here little boy, want some hot new video game porn. ....I'm a dedicated ...

This instructable will show the game TankWars, a web based game played on an iPad that drives ...

(YouTube Link) To say that the Uncharted video game trilogy is the most cinematic gaming ...
Don't blame video games for Anders Behring Breivik's massacre ...
On one hand, the game literate – for whom video games have always been part ... On the other, thevideo game illiterate – for whom games are to be mistrusted ...
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