The Associated Press
By DAVID KLEPPER, AP – 1 minute ago PROVIDENCE, RI (AP) — Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling asked Rhode Island for additional help to save his video game company Wednesday, prompting state leaders to consider whether the firm is viable enough to ...
Oliver North, video-game pitchman
Washington Post (blog)
Which explains why he's now a spokesman for Call of Duty: Black Ops II, the military-themed blow-em-up video game. Much like Wilfred Brimley doing oatmeal commercials, or OJ Simpson touting rental cars, North has a certain amount of... cachet, ...
Video Game Review: Silent Hill: Downpour
New York Daily News
On some level, it must scare and generate gamer anxiety to be a success. And in an age of ever-escalating graphical prowess, it must do so with a stunning degree of immersive efficiency. It's a tricky balance that Silent Hill: Downpour almost nearly...
New York Daily News
Video-game review: 'Starhawk' soars, with a bumpy landing
By Lou Kesten AP Here's the problem with science fiction video games: At some point, you know you're going to run into some alien race that wants to crush humanity. From "Halo" to "Gears of War" to "Mass Effect," the scenario is so familiar it's become ...
Schilling's video game company asks state for additional support after missed ...
PROVIDENCE, RI - Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling asked Rhode Island for additional help to save his video game company Wednesday, prompting state leaders to consider whether the firm is viable enough to justify further investment.
Is Curt Schilling's video game studio in trouble?
Lincoln Chafee says the state is working to help Schilling's video game company remain viable after it failed to make a scheduled $1.125 million payment to the state's economic development agency. (AP Photo/Itsuo Inouye, File) PROVIDENCE,...
Gaming for N00bs: Gaming on the job made me a better gamer (blog)
In the early days of video games, you had to beg your parents to buy you the accompanying strategy guide if you wanted unlimited hints. Nowadays, Google can guide you to a Yahoo Answer for any puzzle solution, Youtube has a “Let's Play” detailing every ...
'Diablo III' fans celebrate video game's release
Fans of "Diablo III" celebrated the midnight launch of the long-awaited video game. This video game image released by Activision Blizzard Inc., shows gameplay from "Diablo III". The epic fantasy role-playing game has been 12 years in the making.
Near-paralyzed gamer turns curse into blessing
MyFox Houston
Wrapping his face and hands around an XBOX 360 controller, it was hard not to see his spirit grow when it came to his life's passion: video games. I'ma competitive guy. I just enjoy being the best." Watching Mike's matches on YouTube is one thing, ...
HELICEUM announces its first video game: HUMAN DEFENSE!
Paris, 15 th May 2012 – Heliceum, a company specialized in the development and publishing of digital content for Smartphone and tablets, today announced its very first video game, Human Defense, which will be available in June 2012 on mobile/touch ...
Families hear facts on video game addiction
Reminder Newspapers
Van Cleave said, however, that studies show that video game addiction is not just affecting the younger set, although gamers 15 and older are the fastest-growing crowd. “The average game player is 35 years old and has been playing video games for 12 ...
Reminder Newspapers
Jesus Makes His Way to Video Games Just in Time for Diablo 3
By Chris Gabbard · 1 min ago · Leave a Comment For the first time, Jesus has made his video game world debut to combat the satanic influence of Diablo 3. And judging by the quality of “Journey of Jesus” verses Diablo, Satan is much more popular.
Posey, Vogey Help Make Video Games Safer
NBC Bay Area (blog)
By Will Brinson You know when you see a video game commercial with some dude carrying a gun and blowing a ton of stuff up? And then you hear at the end -- quickly, mind you -- "game may not have content suitable for persons under the age of 17?
Jesus Christ, now they've made him a video-game character
Orlando Sentinel
By Jeff Kunerth, Orlando Sentinel From the people who brought you Diablo, the "All Hell breaks loose" video game of demons, comes Journey of Jesus: The Calling. Follow video-game Jesus as he overcomes obstacles, battles the era's politics, ...
Why parents can't rely on video game ratings
Futurity: Research News
(Credit: iStockphoto / Wikimedia) IOWA STATE (US) —Not all E-rated video games are created equal. New research indicates content matters more than ratings when it comes to effects on kids. The findings come from three studies, one of which is the ...
Max Payne 3 is a glimpse into the future of video games (review)
But while publisher/developer Rockstar's attempt at a meaningful story may ultimately fall flat, its revolutionary method of delivery manages to raise the bar forvideo games and provides more than a little excitement when imagining what's in store for ...
Video Games may Benefit Kids With Cerebral Palsy
Consider replacing tv time with active video games. Researches at Bloorview Research Institute at Holland Bloorview Rehabilitation Hospital, and the University of Toronto, Canada evaluated use of active video game play on children with a mean age of ...
... industry, press and public alike, the VSC, in an effort to provide greater clarity, can now give some additional information on how their position as the new UK video game regulator will affect the regulation of video games in the future.
4 Most Ridiculous Moral Panics in Video Game History
Houston Press (blog)
Video games have gone from a novelty to being recognized as a legitimate art form, and their influence can be seen throughout the world. And yet, to this day there are still wide swathes of people who simply do not understand anything about them.
Jesus Christ now a video-game character
CBS 21
From the people who brought you Diablo, the “All Hell breaks loose” video game of demons, comes Journey of Jesus: The Calling. Follow video-game Jesus as he overcomes obstacles, battles the era's politics, experiences the religious landscape, ...
First video game about Jesus launches on Facebook
Catholic News Agency
On the heels of its widely-popular “The Journey of Moses” Facebook game, Lightside Games is venturing into historic territory by creating the first-ever video game based on the life of Jesus. Dusing, the founder and CEO of the Mountain View, Calif.
Catholic News Agency
This week in Video Game Criticism: From valorizing warfare to designing like a ...
It's time for This Week in Video Game Criticism! Tumblr-er Flutiebear starts us off with this excellent two-part series applying Victoria Lynn Schmidt's Heroine's Journey to Disney's Tangled and Bioware's Dragon Age 2. These analyses come highly ...
'Jesus' vs 'Diablo': Games battle for your soul
It's been a big week in video game land. Not only did the decade-long wait for the launch of "Diablo 3" finally come to a (rather bumpy) end, but the world also saw its first Jesus video game. Or at least that's how a Christian company called Lightside ...
Video Game Nerd
Operation Sports (blog)
A co-worker caught wind that I was getting a video game today (via Twitter) and in passing dropped the line, "I hear you're ready to get home to waste more time with another video game." Now I've heard this a bunch over the years of my nerdom but today ...
After Trying Anime, Community Will Now Become a Video Game
The Mary Sue
by Jamie Frevele | 2:51 pm, May 16th The Hollywood Reporter was given exclusive shots of Community's season finale — and they are in the style of 16-bit video games! The show's third season ends tomorrow night with three episodes, with one last foray ...
The Mary Sue
Schilling's video game co. asks for more help
MetroNews Canada
By David Klepper, Erika Niedowski By David Klepper, Erika Niedowski AP PROVIDENCE, RI – Former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is asking Rhode Island for additional help to save hisvideo game company, prompting state leaders to consider whether the ...
Beyoncé Video Game Suit to Go to Trial
A video game company permission is suing Beyoncé for $100 million and can go to trial for it, per a judge's ruling on the matter. Software developed Gate Five sued Bey after she pulled out of a deal to create a motion sensing computer game.
Journey of Jesus: The world's first Christ-centric video game?
The Week Magazine
Photo: YouTube SEE ALL 51 PHOTOS The video: Whether by accident or design, Tuesday saw the release of two sharply polarized video games: Diablo III, the third installment of the blockbuster devil-themed franchise, and Journey of Jesus: The Calling, ...
Teachers Transform Commercial Video Game for Class Use
MindShift (blog)
Koivisto and Levin, who uses the game with his second-grade students, are part of the growing movement of teachers who see video games as more than entertainment and educational games as more than a means to an end. They flip the usual query of ...
Social Video Game About Jesus: Awesome or Awful?
SodaHead News
Well, presumably, that's what you get to do in "Journey of Jesus," a point-and-click Facebook game by Lightside Games that's being promoted as "the first-ever Messiah-based video game." We couldn't vouch for the validity of that claim, ...
SodaHead News
The Cast Of Community, Immortalized As Video Game Characters
By Kirk Hamilton
Fortunately, NBC has had "The Greendale Seven" immortalized as classic 16-bit-looking video game characters and sent over to The Onion AV Club. Man, I would play the heck out of this game. Though Britta's lack of a nose is somewhat ...
Samsung Series 7 Gamer Review | Gaming Notebook Reviews
If your rig can't play the latest titles at smooth frame rates, you're as good as PWNED. The Samsung's Series 7 Gamer ($1899) more than meets this challenge, a 17.3-inch gaming behemoth that packs Intel's quad-core Ivy Bridge processor ...
LAPTOP Mag Main Feed
Video Game Reviews | Minecraft | RotoRob
By Herija Green
Video Game Review: Minecraft. May 15, 2012 | By Herija Green | comment on this post. Minecraft Old McDonald has nothing on this sweet looking Minecraft farm. As I've noted many times, I am a console gamer. That means no PC, no phone ...
'Community' Gets the Classic Video Game Treatment
By Patrick Bateman
With three episodes over one night, the first of which taking place in a 16-bit video game Details are still vague about how or why the crew ends up as avatars in a virtual environment, but their goal is to win back ...
'Community' Doing Retro Video Game Episode That Will Look Like ...
From AV Club and THR, here are some shots from the upcoming Community that will take the Greendale gang inside a video game. The impetus for the pixelated journey is said to ... May 16, 2012 in community, image, television, video games ...
I Watch Stuff - Probably The...
From AV Club and THR, here are some shots from the upcoming Community that will take the Greendale gang inside a video game. The impetus for the pixelated journey is said to ... May 16, 2012 in community, image, television, video games ...
I Watch Stuff - Probably The...
Blue Mass Group | Curt Schilling's video game company: just as well ...
By david
As it turns out, it's really fine that MA didn't try to meet Rhode Island's $75 million loan package to Curt Schilling's video game company, which is now in deep trouble. As part of the RI Economic Development Corporation's effort to create jobs in ...
Blue Mass Group - Front Page
By david
As it turns out, it's really fine that MA didn't try to meet Rhode Island's $75 million loan package to Curt Schilling's video game company, which is now in deep trouble. As part of the RI Economic Development Corporation's effort to create jobs in ...
Blue Mass Group - Front Page
The Cast Of Community, Immortalised As Video Game Characters ...
By Kirk Hamilton
With the almost-final season of Community wrapped up, it can feel hard to come to terms with the fact that we won't get to hang out with Annie, ...
Kotaku Australia
Gamer Beats Diablo 3 In 12.5 Hours, Others Now Down To 7
By Jonathan Fallon
Korean gamer Yoshichan has elevated his status in the gaming world after he beat Diablo 3 in a mind-blowing 12 hours and 29 minutes with “368 Lifetime Kills, 412 Elite Kills and 168481 gold as a Barbarian on normal difficulty”. Obviously,
Nerd Approved - Gadgets and Gizmos
Schilling's video game co. asks RI for more help - ... is your local source for information in Tulsa, delivering breaking news, weather, sports, lifestyle and classifieds.
NEWS ON 6 - National Sports
Retro 8-Bit Video Game Characters In Real Life Settings » Design ...
By WhatanART
Lee Vidal, a graphic design student from London, UK has come up with a series of awesome artworks that places some of our favorite retro 8-bit video game.
Design You Trust - Design Blog...
Word From the Birds Blog | Video games, A-Dub and charity
By Darren Urban
Video games, A-Dub and charity. Posted by Darren Urban on May 16, 2012 – 9:36 am. If you want a chance to face off against a pro athlete in an Xbox Madden video game tournament, you are in luck. Adrian Wilson is holding a charity tourney ...
Word From the Birds Blog

High school computer science teacher Ben Chun's students gain programming literacy and ...
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