New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82 Billion By 2017
New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82 Billion By 2017... A series of new reports from DFC Intelligence forecasts that the global market for video games is expected to grow from $67 billion in 2012 to $82 billion in 2017.

New Reports Forecast Global Video Game Industry Will Reach $82 Billion By 2017... A series of new reports from DFC Intelligence forecasts that the global market for video games is expected to grow from $67 billion in 2012 to $82 billion in 2017.
But as video games have gotten more advanced, they have ended up rivaling the films they once aped. The video game versions of Pixar's "Brave" and "The Amazing Spider-Man" are proof enough that the quality gap is narrowing. With "Brave," the developer, ...
Video gamer dies after playing 40 hours straight
Fox News
A teenager was found dead in an Internet cafe in Taiwan after reportedly playing a video gamefor 40 hours straight. The 18-year-old, who has only ... It is the second death from playing video games in the country this year. In February, a man in New Taipei ...
Are video games really ruining men?
As I recently read the mainstream media reports on video games' biggest cultural event, the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), a snapshot of video game culture comes to the attention of millions across the country. Sometimes that image is of booth babes, ...
Ouya: an atypical video game console breaking the norms
ouya · Android · Video Games. Advertisement. The revelation of the Android-basedvideo game console Ouya has knocked one out of the park. The game system built upon an open-source technology has generated excitement for independent developers.
Taiwanese gamer dies after 40-hour Diablo III session
Health concerns surrounding the over-playing of video games certainly aren't unique to Taiwan. 20-year-old Chris ... Concern about video game addiction has already led South Korea to consider implementing a gaming curfew for players under the age of 16.
Tabletop vs Video Games: Choose Your Side
But something else you'll also find out from meeting me or reading that bio is that I have been a tabletop gamer for about the same time, if not longer than, I've been playing video games. I started playing Monopoly and ... Let's start off with video games. There's no argument that the video game industry is huge. It has become a very profitable industry, though in recent months we've seen a lot of studios shut down. Video games stimulate the mind and provide us with instant action. Players can come together online and ...
Diablo 3 Gamer Dies From Playing For 40 Hours Straight
Cinema Blend
According to The Australian, the gamer, identified only by last name, Chuang, rented out a private room in an internet cafe and went nearly two whole days without eating. On July 15th an internet cafe attendee came into the room and found Chuang resting on ...
Cinema Blend
Ouya's video game console Kickstarter tops $5M raised so far (exclusive interview)
The new video game console company, Ouya, has raised more than $5 million in a crowd-funded Kickstarter project in just seven days, with 22 more full days to go in the solicitation. “We're inching toward 40000 backers and that's exciting to see,” said Julie ...
Why Beck Debuting Songs Via Video Game Is Very (Recent) Beck
Musicians contributing to video games is hardly unique anymore — Guthrie, for one, previously recorded music for the computer- and app-based adventure game Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP — but it's a neat example of Beck's approach since ...
Game Rentals: Best Websites and Services
Rent Video Games Online or Through the Mail. By: Scott ... The topic of video gamerentals used to be an easy one - you'd simply visit your local Blockbuster video store and borrow a title for your grandchildren's favorite Nintendo or Sega system. However ...
Ouya Kickstarter video game console garners $5 million
CBS News
(CBS News) Ouya, a Kickstarter video game console project, has garnered over $5 million in pledges, surpassing its initial goal of $950000. Kickstarter works by letting anyone propose a project on the site, setting a monetary goal. If the goal is met, the project ...
CBS News
Bad Romance: The Terrible World of Video Game Dating Sites
It's not really clear in the surprisingly inept world of video game dating sites, a web of false promises, Google search bait and general crappiness. I spent Tuesday afternoon signing up for a bunch of the web's leading websites dedicated to gamer dating.
NASA partners with Microsoft to launch its first video game
Ars Technica
Video games are a natural choice for fulfilling NASA's core responsibility of bringing its message of exploration to the public, Norris said. He cited a 2008 Pew Study showing that 86 percent of teenagers play games on home consoles as evidence that video ...
Double the 'Dragon Ball Z' news from Namco Bandai
Video game publisher Namco Bandai Games has today made two big announcements for fans of the popular anime/manga series “Dragon Ball Z”, an HD collection of “Dragon Ball Z: Budokai” and exclusives for “Dragon Ball Z Kinect”. First off is the publisher's plans to release the “Dragon Ball Z: Budokai HD ... When Raymond is not writing game news, he is usually found playing video games or shooting pool with friends. Raymond has written many... Subscribe · Follow me on Twitter · RSS Feed · Become an ...
$100000 for fitness video games?
Record-Searchlight (blog)
I agree with the first commenter that this morning's heads-up about the Gateway Unified School District's possible purchase of nearly $100000 worth of fitness video games (on the agenda for this evening's meeting) is a little too brief to be as informative as it ...
Reviews for the Lazy Gamer: Heroes of Ruin
Houston Press (blog)
Reviews for the Lazy Gamer: Heroes of Ruin. By Jef With One F. Trending · Adult Entertainment Expo Or Comic-Con? You Decide. By Craig Hlavaty. Books · Shadow Show is Ray Bradbury's Most Fitting Epitaph. By Jef With One F. Pop Rocks · Pop Rocks: ...
Multiple Trademarks Out "World War Z" Video Game Plans (blog)
A pair of trademark filings from Paramount Pictures have revealed that a video game (or two) based on the film adaptation of hit novel World War Z is on the way. The two trademarks indicate... Popular in Video Games. The 25 Coolest Robots in Video Games ...
Gamer Dies After 40-Hour Diablo III Session
Gamer Dies After 40-Hour Diablo III Session. The 18-year-old man had booked a private room in an internet cafe... 16:19, Wednesday, 18 July 2012. A Taiwanese man has died after playing computer game Diablo III for 40 hours without a break.
Paramount Pictures seeks video game trademark protection for World War Z
And because someone at Paramount somehow thinks there needs to be more zombie video games in our lifetime, the studio has recently filed trademarks for a World War Z video game in the U.S. The trademarks reveal that their plans for the game include ...
New details emerge for Hero Academy on Steam
Will Castillo, Atlantic City Video Game Examiner. Will Castillo... Subscribe · Follow me on Twitter · RSS Feed · Become an Examiner. Comments. Next article » · 'Hero Academy' coming to Steam. Advertisement. Gaga's new gig. Mother Monster shows new ...
Israeli ad agency advertises job interviews with video game characters
Deseret News
BBR Saatchi & Saatchi. Summary. An ad agency in Israel is using an online video game to recruit applicants for a programming job. RAMAT GAN, Israel — Parents may need to stop telling their 20-something children to stop playing video games and get a job.
Deseret News
// Top 8 Annoying Video Game Characters
From Sonic the Hedgehog and Baby Mario to Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, the dog from Duck Hunt and more, 411's David McGregor counts down the top 8 annoying video game characters! Welcome to another edition of the 8 Ball for the games section, ...
Ellen: Video game role moved me
Belfast Telegraph
Ellen Page has confessed she didn't understand how she could star in a video game when she was first approached for Beyond: Two Souls. The Canadian film actress has just been announced as starring as protagonist Jodie Holmes in the computer game ...
Belfast Telegraph
Twelve for 2012: Video Games Part Six – Forza Horizon
Unleash The Fanboy
Twelve for 2012: Video Games Part Six – Forza Horizon. Louis Rabinowitz | 18 July 2012 | EDITORIAL, MAIN PAGE, previews, VIDEO GAMES | 0 Comments. It's time for part six, the one with the supercars, the rocky mountains, and the mildly annoying amount ...
Unleash The Fanboy
The Video Game Reality Series MTV Never Aired
... a reality TV series called Game Street, about a couple of guys who ran a video game store. That's right. Not pregnant teenagers, not moronic party-goers, not suicidal stuntmen, just two guys, trying to make a living selling video games. ... The Gamer's Guide ...
History in Handheld: The Dark Knight rises from Game Boy to iPad
Pocket Gamer
Pocket Gamer, LOG IN | REGISTER. Reset Pass > ... The Caped Crusader has his fair share of video games, including an impossible maze game on the ZX Spectrum, a Batmobile racer on the PlayStation, and an educational game featuring Mr Freeze.
Pocket Gamer
18-year-old dies after playing video game for 40 hours
Pin It. email. London: An 18-year-old boy was found dead at an internet cafe in Taiwan after reportedly playing video game for 40 hours straight. The teenager is believed to have collapsed during a marathon session of Diablo 3. He was found by workers in the internet cafe in Tainan, southern Taiwan. It is believed he had not eaten for two days, The Sun reported. The gamer has so far only been identified by his surname, Chuang. ... It is the second death from playing video games in the country this year. In February ...
5 Prejudices That Video Games Can't Seem to Get Over |
This isn't the stuff of yesteryear; it's all still present in video game design. Despite the fact that African-Americans and Latinos play more video games than any other race, they're still getting treated as second-class citizens in the properties ...
Cracked: All Posts
UK top 20 video games chart, week ending 14 July 2012 ...
UK top 20 video games chart, week ending 14 July 2012 ... 2 (2), London 2012: The OfficialVideo Game (3+), Xbox 360 (55) PS3 (44) PC (1), 3. 3 (3), The Amazing Spider-Man (16+), Xbox 360 (55) PS3 (41) Wii (1) 3DS (1), 3. 4 (5), Dead ...
Technology: Games blog |
Video Games Vs. Real Life - How-To Geek
By Jason Fitzpatrick
World of Warcraft used to be even worse than that, Jimmy. It wasn't unusual for characters to be carrying two or more mounts, several hundred pounds of ore/metal bars, several meals and/or drinks, thousands of arrows, and stacks of potions ...
How-To Geek
World War Z Video Game Trademarked - News - www - Game Informer
By Jim Reilly
Paramount Pictures filed a trademark recently for a World War Z video game. A movie based on the novel is due ... General Obi commented on Apocalyptiic's post about re: World War Z Video Game Trademarked. Noble Seven commented on ...
How Washington Learned to Love Video Games - Hit & Run - Reason
By Nick Gillespie
The Smithsonian American Art Museum's exhibit, The Art of Video Games, is the latest sign that official Washington has finally learned to love Pac-Man, Super Mario Brothers, and their digital spawn. ... The video game hysteria of the 1990s followed a predictable cycle, explains University of Southern California sociologist Karen Sternheimer: "Ever since the first nickelodeon [movie theater] opened there are people who were afraid of the impact of popular culture and tried to regulate ...
Hit & Run
World War Z video games following Paramount's movie adaptation ...
By Anthony John Agnello
World War Z won't be a very good video game though. The novel's essence is reflective, a story that looks back at a disturbing, lingering past. Video games about zombies require you to constantly be in the present. Day Z is exciting even in a ...
'Non-Terrible' Poker Video-Game Alert | Pokerati
By Joseph Ewens
This one goes out to all high functioning poker nerds. Please note, that if you liked at least one episode of Game of Thrones then I'm going to include you in this category. Anyone who gets all aquiver at the thought of knights whacking each ...
Play Fix It Felix Jr Video Game from Wreck-it Ralph | The Disney Blog
By John Frost
Disney's next animated feature takes place in the world of video games when Wreck-it Ralph decides to leave his game, Fix It Felix Jr., and explore other games. But did you know you can now play Fix It Felix Jr.? Yep, just head over to Wreck-it ...
The Disney Blog
How Video Games Improve Health |
By kate_dupree
Video games have helped improve gait velocity, stride and balance in patients living with Parkinson's disease and helped kids increase their fruit a. ... Tags: None. Source: Incorrect or ... Video Game Statistics · The Year of 3D on the Playstation 3 System · Baseball Infographics from Flip Flop Fly ball | Gunaxin Sports · Rise of Social Gaming And Zynga · Video Game Industry Statistics · Video Game Sales on eBay ...
Tom Hanks' Electric City comes to iOS and Android ... - Pocket Gamer
Yes, that Tom Hanks. Click to read the full 'Tom Hanks' Electric City comes to iOS and Android as RPG the Revolt' news article. For more Electric City The Revolt news and Multiformat news, visit
Pocket Gamer |
Diablo 3 Death: Teen Dies After Playing Game For 40 Hours Straight
By The Huffington Post News Editors
... or just too hard? Gamer Loses $186 To Diablo 3's RMAH, Requests FBI Assistance ... I wouldn't blame the video game, and I think there is, as usual on here, more to the storyIf they do blood tests I'm sure they will find the real answer. .... Most folks don't realize that as their blood sugar drops (due to not eating), and their body tires (due to not getting enough sleep) they are more likely to do well at anything - playing video games, driving, socializing with others, fighting in a war, etc.
The Huffington Post | Full News Feed
Ellen Page plays herself in video game 'Beyond: Two Souls ...
In Christopher Nolan's 2010 sci-fi thriller Inception, she was part of a Leonardo DiCaprio-led ensemble. Page stars in her upcoming project, the suspense-action ...
HMV tells gamers the 3DS XL has two Circle Pads | Nintendo Gamer
We can't wait for the 3DS XL to be released later this month, and we've already given you plenty of reasons why in our extensive review. Those bigger screens ...
A true PC gamer. : gaming
Oooh, I like the way the HDD bays are oriented. I'm not sure how I feel about the PSU going on the bottom though. I've never had one fall, and they do kick out a ...
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