Milford Daily News
The game, which 38 Studios acquired in 2009 after purchasing Big Huge Games, the original developer, sold more than 200,000 American copies in its first week, according to VGChartz, a website that tracks video game sales. But in May, 38 Studios laid ...
The Aftermath: A response to Colin Campbell
In addition, wasn't it Nintendo that singlehandedly rescued the video game industry from the disaster of the gaming industry during the 1980s? Were it not for this corporation one wonders what industry any of us let alone Mr. Campbell would be working in.
Is the Facebook video game market dying or just evolving? | Digital ...
By Anthony John Agnello
Marketing costs and fees are driving developers from Facebook. Is the market dead or is it just the FarmVille viral genre that's dying?
Foodie Video Games: Minecraft
Super Chef (blog)
Many parents think Minecraft is just anther senseless video game about killing and “stuff”. In some... So, when your foodie kids want to play video games on the internet, steer them to foodie gameslike Minecraft – you never know what they'll ask for ...
Video game review: Madden NFL 13
New York Daily News
Video game review: Madden NFL 13. The latest version of the football series is one of... When gamers pick up the latest edition of the storied sports series on Tuesday, they'll land one of the finest Madden games in years. Several years of fine-tuning ...

New York Daily News
Watch Arsenal vs Stoke City Live Streaming Free EPL Football Games Video HD ...
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Watch Arsenal vs Stoke City Live Streaming Free EPL Football Games Video HD TV Link. The Potters have relatively few new absences after drawing on opening day to Reading, but Dean Whitehead is out after receiving a one-match ban. Jermaine Pennant ...
'The Apparition' star Ashley Greene talks horror movies and video games
In the above video, the "Twilight" star talks about the guys who auditioned to play to the evil hands who grope her in the film(as seen on the poster), and the difficulty of crying on cue over and over. As far as her preferred horror films, Greene ...
Anna Anthropy: Queering Video Games One Pixel at a Time
Women in Video Games"? Or the violent video game made about her where players can graphically smash in her face? Or, a website that records the sexist, derogatory and sexual remarks male gamers will make to female gamers on Xbox ...
Video gaming machines in Freeport?
Freeport Journal-Standard
In 2009, Illinois passed the Video Gaming Act which made it legal for gambling in bars and other clubs with a cut of the profits going to the city, state, owner and machine operator. “They (the oldgaming machines) are all gone,” said Domino. “I don't ...
Should war games be based on real events?
Digital Spy
He asserted, initially at least, that he had a problem with someone drawing entertainment from avideo game based on a conflict in which millions of people had died. He said that it was just not right - but is it? Many games, including titles that have ...
Video Games' 2012 Holiday Season Prep Well Underway - Unscripted Access ...
The Gamer Access
The Gamer Access is back with not only a completely redesigned website design, but another episode of the fan-favorite podcast, Unscripted Access. With news from all three of the major video game companies, this week was crazy for news as magazines ...
In honor of Neil Armstrong, here are some great video games set in ...
By Britton Peele / Editor
Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, has taken his last giant leap. His contribution to NASA, science and mankind can't be understated. May he rest in peace. In celebration of his life, however, I got to thinking of some of the best ...
Pop Culture Blog
Do You Like to Play Video Games? | Ted's Take
By Ted
Do You Like to Play Video Games? Posted on August 26, 2012 by Ted. Are you a man of a certain age? Then watch this film. “Chasing Ghosts.” About the birth of the video game industry. And a personal set of rivalries from back in the 1980′s ...
Ted's Take
DragonCon gets video game heavy this year with Epic Games, BioWare and more
Games have long been a part of Atlanta's yearly Dragon*Con convention but 2012 represents the first time that video games have their own track. The game track schedule was announced on Friday with four days worth of panels from the likes of Epic Games, ...
Top 5 upcoming video games for Atlanta gamers
The most popular video game franchise for XBOX is will return in November as “Halo 4” hits the shelves. Master Chief is back for the first time since 2007's “Halo 3”. He and Cortana discover a Forerunner planet and things go crazy after that. Along ...
New 'Tekken Tag Tournament 2' videos focus on bonuses
Earlier today video game publisher Namco Bandai Games released two new videosfor their upcoming console fighting game, “Tekken Tag Tournament 2”, to give gamersan idea of what they can look forward to if they preorder the title from select retailers.
SYSTEM UPDATE: Watch for these must-have video games this fall
New York Daily News
Yes, it's been a good summer for video games, with plenty of action to keep us occupied. But, just like any other ... Dishonored drops in early October, then another assassin's game — Assassin's Creed III — ends the month, hitting stores Oct. 30. In...

New York Daily News
Upcoming video games: Madden NFL 13, Rock Band Blitz, Guild Wars 2
Hindustan Times
Game Reviews. Samsung Galaxy S III. Sennheiser RS 220. Lava XOLO X900. HTC One V. Sony Xperia S. Motorola ATRIX 2. Advertisement. Samsung Galaxy S III. Sennheiser RS 220. Lava XOLO X900. HTC One V. Sony Xperia S. Motorola ATRIX 2 ...Rock Band ...

Hindustan Times
VIDEO: Breaking Down Top 3 Road Games For Chiefs In 2012
Arrowhead Pride (blog)
We're back with another video for the SB Nation YouTube channel and this week we're talking about the top three road games for the Kansas City Chiefs in 2012. After the St. Louis road trip ... Thank you for the non-Seahawks game content. I needed a break.
OnLive game streaming company says it will live on
Chicago Daily Herald
Described as a threat to companies selling traditional packaged video games when it burst onto thegaming scene in 2009, OnLive offers video games streamed over an Internet connection, similar to how Netflix offers streamed movies and TV shows. OnLive ...
Top Ten Video Game Animals
Gamers fell in love with that surprised look on Sonic's face when you ran him right into some spikes, almost like he was breaking the fourth wall and saying "Why are you so bad at video games?" Epona - Legend of Zelda. It makes sense that there's ...

The TouchArcade Show - 66 - Quit Bein' Mad About Video Games
Touch Arcade
We also toss a lot of time to Vote, Chair Entertainment's political hack-and-slashvideo game. In our actual games section, we dive into the latest, greatest, and best in iOS: Dragon Island, Infinite Warrior, Window Warrior, and Mikey Shorts all get ...

Touch Arcade
Nintendo 3DS: Most Disappointing Video Games
Business Insider
Taken for what it is, Namco Bandai's Tekken 3D Prime Edition is an impressive portable brawler with over 40 characters, online play and 60 frames-per-second animation; the game even comes with an animated Tekken film. On the downside, all of the ...
So, Tell Me About Yourself, Video Game
By Evan Narcisse
So, Tell Me About Yourself, Video Game Video games need more "Call Me Ishmael." That quote is one of the most famous opening lines in all of literature. Sure, its popularity is owed largely to being the first sentence in Herman Melville's ...
Most anticipated games as a kid? - DVD Talk Forum
By mhg83
Most anticipated games as a kid? Video Game Talk. ... Now if you're not just talking about waiting for a game to be released, or games in general, I think the most anticipation I had was actually getting an NES. I had a 2600 as my main system ...
DVD Talk Forum - Video Game Talk
Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares ...
By Cheezburger Network
Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares. x. Share. internet memes - Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares. Get Over Here and Play a Video Game. Submitted by: maximepower · Incorrect source or ...
Memebase: Rage Comics, Forever...
Video games and elementary education: a mix of virtual and real ...
By allenabel
Confronted by this dichotomy – classical learning in the schoolhouse; an unquenchable yearning to diddle away vacation days playing video games on the iPad – a father looks to the experts to tell him about his child's digital destiny. But an afternoon ... The second-grade teacher from the private school in Manhattan, a man named Joel Levin, also happens to be the co-owner of a company that adapts a Swedish MMO world-building game called Minecraft for classroom use. Mr. Levin ...
Follow @sobeq
By Anthony John Agnello
Marketing costs and fees are driving developers from Facebook. Is the market dead or is it just the FarmVille viral genre that's dying?
Foodie Video Games: Minecraft
Super Chef (blog)
Many parents think Minecraft is just anther senseless video game about killing and “stuff”. In some... So, when your foodie kids want to play video games on the internet, steer them to foodie gameslike Minecraft – you never know what they'll ask for ...
Video game review: Madden NFL 13
New York Daily News
Video game review: Madden NFL 13. The latest version of the football series is one of... When gamers pick up the latest edition of the storied sports series on Tuesday, they'll land one of the finest Madden games in years. Several years of fine-tuning ...
New York Daily News
Watch Arsenal vs Stoke City Live Streaming Free EPL Football Games Video HD ...
Wilkes Barre Times-Leader
Watch Arsenal vs Stoke City Live Streaming Free EPL Football Games Video HD TV Link. The Potters have relatively few new absences after drawing on opening day to Reading, but Dean Whitehead is out after receiving a one-match ban. Jermaine Pennant ...
'The Apparition' star Ashley Greene talks horror movies and video games
In the above video, the "Twilight" star talks about the guys who auditioned to play to the evil hands who grope her in the film(as seen on the poster), and the difficulty of crying on cue over and over. As far as her preferred horror films, Greene ...
Anna Anthropy: Queering Video Games One Pixel at a Time
Women in Video Games"? Or the violent video game made about her where players can graphically smash in her face? Or, a website that records the sexist, derogatory and sexual remarks male gamers will make to female gamers on Xbox ...
Video gaming machines in Freeport?
Freeport Journal-Standard
In 2009, Illinois passed the Video Gaming Act which made it legal for gambling in bars and other clubs with a cut of the profits going to the city, state, owner and machine operator. “They (the oldgaming machines) are all gone,” said Domino. “I don't ...
Should war games be based on real events?
Digital Spy
He asserted, initially at least, that he had a problem with someone drawing entertainment from avideo game based on a conflict in which millions of people had died. He said that it was just not right - but is it? Many games, including titles that have ...
Video Games' 2012 Holiday Season Prep Well Underway - Unscripted Access ...
The Gamer Access
The Gamer Access is back with not only a completely redesigned website design, but another episode of the fan-favorite podcast, Unscripted Access. With news from all three of the major video game companies, this week was crazy for news as magazines ...
In honor of Neil Armstrong, here are some great video games set in ...
By Britton Peele / Editor
Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, has taken his last giant leap. His contribution to NASA, science and mankind can't be understated. May he rest in peace. In celebration of his life, however, I got to thinking of some of the best ...
Pop Culture Blog
Do You Like to Play Video Games? | Ted's Take
By Ted
Do You Like to Play Video Games? Posted on August 26, 2012 by Ted. Are you a man of a certain age? Then watch this film. “Chasing Ghosts.” About the birth of the video game industry. And a personal set of rivalries from back in the 1980′s ...
Ted's Take
DragonCon gets video game heavy this year with Epic Games, BioWare and more
Games have long been a part of Atlanta's yearly Dragon*Con convention but 2012 represents the first time that video games have their own track. The game track schedule was announced on Friday with four days worth of panels from the likes of Epic Games, ...
Top 5 upcoming video games for Atlanta gamers
The most popular video game franchise for XBOX is will return in November as “Halo 4” hits the shelves. Master Chief is back for the first time since 2007's “Halo 3”. He and Cortana discover a Forerunner planet and things go crazy after that. Along ...
New 'Tekken Tag Tournament 2' videos focus on bonuses
Earlier today video game publisher Namco Bandai Games released two new videosfor their upcoming console fighting game, “Tekken Tag Tournament 2”, to give gamersan idea of what they can look forward to if they preorder the title from select retailers.
SYSTEM UPDATE: Watch for these must-have video games this fall
New York Daily News
Yes, it's been a good summer for video games, with plenty of action to keep us occupied. But, just like any other ... Dishonored drops in early October, then another assassin's game — Assassin's Creed III — ends the month, hitting stores Oct. 30. In...
New York Daily News
Upcoming video games: Madden NFL 13, Rock Band Blitz, Guild Wars 2
Hindustan Times
Game Reviews. Samsung Galaxy S III. Sennheiser RS 220. Lava XOLO X900. HTC One V. Sony Xperia S. Motorola ATRIX 2. Advertisement. Samsung Galaxy S III. Sennheiser RS 220. Lava XOLO X900. HTC One V. Sony Xperia S. Motorola ATRIX 2 ...Rock Band ...
Hindustan Times
VIDEO: Breaking Down Top 3 Road Games For Chiefs In 2012
Arrowhead Pride (blog)
We're back with another video for the SB Nation YouTube channel and this week we're talking about the top three road games for the Kansas City Chiefs in 2012. After the St. Louis road trip ... Thank you for the non-Seahawks game content. I needed a break.
OnLive game streaming company says it will live on
Chicago Daily Herald
Described as a threat to companies selling traditional packaged video games when it burst onto thegaming scene in 2009, OnLive offers video games streamed over an Internet connection, similar to how Netflix offers streamed movies and TV shows. OnLive ...
Top Ten Video Game Animals
Gamers fell in love with that surprised look on Sonic's face when you ran him right into some spikes, almost like he was breaking the fourth wall and saying "Why are you so bad at video games?" Epona - Legend of Zelda. It makes sense that there's ...
The TouchArcade Show - 66 - Quit Bein' Mad About Video Games
Touch Arcade
We also toss a lot of time to Vote, Chair Entertainment's political hack-and-slashvideo game. In our actual games section, we dive into the latest, greatest, and best in iOS: Dragon Island, Infinite Warrior, Window Warrior, and Mikey Shorts all get ...
Touch Arcade
Nintendo 3DS: Most Disappointing Video Games
Business Insider
Taken for what it is, Namco Bandai's Tekken 3D Prime Edition is an impressive portable brawler with over 40 characters, online play and 60 frames-per-second animation; the game even comes with an animated Tekken film. On the downside, all of the ...
So, Tell Me About Yourself, Video Game
By Evan Narcisse
So, Tell Me About Yourself, Video Game Video games need more "Call Me Ishmael." That quote is one of the most famous opening lines in all of literature. Sure, its popularity is owed largely to being the first sentence in Herman Melville's ...
Most anticipated games as a kid? - DVD Talk Forum
By mhg83
Most anticipated games as a kid? Video Game Talk. ... Now if you're not just talking about waiting for a game to be released, or games in general, I think the most anticipation I had was actually getting an NES. I had a 2600 as my main system ...
DVD Talk Forum - Video Game Talk
Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares ...
By Cheezburger Network
Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares. x. Share. internet memes - Video Games: You're the Stuff of Baby Slendy Nightmares. Get Over Here and Play a Video Game. Submitted by: maximepower · Incorrect source or ...
Memebase: Rage Comics, Forever...
Video games and elementary education: a mix of virtual and real ...
By allenabel
Confronted by this dichotomy – classical learning in the schoolhouse; an unquenchable yearning to diddle away vacation days playing video games on the iPad – a father looks to the experts to tell him about his child's digital destiny. But an afternoon ... The second-grade teacher from the private school in Manhattan, a man named Joel Levin, also happens to be the co-owner of a company that adapts a Swedish MMO world-building game called Minecraft for classroom use. Mr. Levin ...
Follow @sobeq