Is the Handheld Video Games Market Shrinking? Or Just Changing?
It's closing on 100 million units sold worldwide (a couple million shy of the original PlayStation), but when Nielsen took a six-month look at active video game usage in 2009, it noted Nintendo's console was the least played — even Nintendo's own much...

It's closing on 100 million units sold worldwide (a couple million shy of the original PlayStation), but when Nielsen took a six-month look at active video game usage in 2009, it noted Nintendo's console was the least played — even Nintendo's own much...
ESPN (blog)
“I'm really into playing games on my phone,” Posey tells me from Los Angeles, hours before Wednesday's Giants-Dodgers game. “I'm a fan of 'Angry Birds,' and I've played that a lot, so we wanted to have ... ESPN Playbook: Tim Lincecum has been a big ...
ESPN (blog)
How the video games industry is faring
Companies in the video games business have been reporting earnings for the most recent quarter. Here's a look at reports and results for selected companies that make or sell video games. — July 12: NPD Group reports that U.S. retail sales of video ...
Next-Generation Video Game Consoles to Reinvigorate Gaming, Says Game ...
X-bit Labs
The market of console and PC video games is slowing down these days not only due to piracy and competition from new platforms like smartphones and tablets, but also because there is nothing brand new on the current-generation consoles. Games that will ...
X-bit Labs
Singers to join orchestra to play to fans of video games
Columbus Dispatch
Today, video games are an alternate universe, and music from the digital world is as much at home in a concert hall as it is on the music player of a gamer. On Saturday at the Ohio Theatre, a 75-musician orchestra and four singers will perform “Distant ...
It's Obama vs. Romney in new mobile game
Political gamers can duke it out between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. STORY ...He's covered video games for hundreds of outlets over the past 20 years and specializes in the convergence of Hollywood and games. (CNN) -- They call politics a ...
Get back to your roots with vintage video games
If you're a retro gamer—or if you want to try out the games long-time gamers are always going on about, there's never been a better time than now to indulge your passion for vintage video games. There are lots of good ways to do feed your jones, and ...
Women's Soccer Will Be In Video Games Soon, Says FIFA Producer
Kotaku Australia
Women's Soccer Will Be In Video Games Soon, Says FIFA Producer. Owen Good Today 2:00 PM. It's inevitable that women will appear as playable athletes in a football title, the executive producer of the FIFA video game series told a petition organiser ...
Piko Piko Detroit Brings Chiptune, The Sound Of Classic Video Games, Into The ...
Huffington Post
The new online music label is run by Yuuya Masada and Corey Chappell, two young men with a passion for chiptune, a musical style derived from the synthesized sounds of classic computers andvideo game consoles. Some chiptune artists use old machine ...
Fitness, kids and video games (blog)
One of my biggest concerns is the body's inactivity while kids play these games. Spending too much time in the same position wreaks havoc on your body. While playing a video game, minutes of lying or sitting in the same position can easily turn into hours.
Video Games: Everything Changed When the Flame Legion ...
By Cheezburger Network
Video Games: Everything Changed When the Flame Legion Attacked. x. Share. internet memes -Video Games: Everything Changed When the Flame Legion Attacked. Get Over Here and Play aVideo Game · Incorrect source or offensive?
Memebase: Rage Comics, Forever...
Kaboom! Explosive photography inspired by video games from artist ...
By Liv Siddall
Artist Ueli Alder, who gets his inspiration from war-themed video games, is interested in the romantic nature of these images and how we will, in the future, react to images of real explosions when we are used to being exposed to such ...
It's Nice That
Poll: Are Any Video Game Topics Taboo? | GamePolitics
By Andrew Eisen
Are there any themes or topics that should never be explored in a video game? A few years ago, Atomic Games was developing Six Days in Fallujah, a third-person shooter based on a 2004 battle in the Iraq war. There were many who thought ...
GamePolitics blogs
By xavier_lopez_jr
star, Harmonix, VALVe, Double Fine, and more, these artists will depart from their everyday jobs to create new artwork inspired by their favorite video games of the modern era. Featuring: Ted Backman, Daren Bader, Patrick Ballesteros, Mark ...
Seattle Arts and Culture
The 6 Most Absurdly Difficult Video Game Puzzles |
Here are the men responsible for the thousands of innocent deaths of video game controllers. ... But whatever, that's video game logic for you: Every gamer knows to frantically Klepto-Klutch every item in sight, just in case it might save your life later. So you need the key, sure: But you can't just turn off the power. Clearly .... "Haha, what are you doing playing video games" the developers of Silent Hill ask, "when you could be discovering the wonder of literature?" If you do happen to be a ...
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