Sacramento Bee
The video is funny and interesting. Backers can pre-order the game and participate in the game development process for a pledge of $15. "Real-time strategy games are great because they challenge you to think on your feet with army composition, tech ...
Video game review: Spy Hunter
New York Daily News
And a long long time ago, a car video game called Spy Hunter reminded us of exactly that. The idea was simple back in the early 1980s, ... It's the first Spy Hunter gamesince Midway's last release on the PlayStation 2 in 2006, and it follows much the ...
New York Daily News
Game on! Vox launches long-awaited video game site, Polygon
“Video games have always been defined by change and right now we're living in the middle of the most rapid change in video game history with mobile gaming, socialgaming and web gaming, said Editor in Chief Chris Grant, in a phone interview. Grant, who ...
Are big budgets killing the video game industry?
As the video game industry roped in the masses and grew into a mainstream entertainment juggernaut, the average cost of developing a video game swelled over to $20 million, with some AAA games costing 2-5 times as much. . Back in te 90s,developers ...
Video Game Review: "Dishonored"
The News Record
It almost makes me wish the developers had opted out of entire chunks of pointless, boring and expository plot that justifies magic being used to spend more time on the game's human aspect. In the end, “Dishonored” plays like a rip-off of “Hitman ...
How Video Games Keep Hands Entertained In Japan
I enjoy video games in all shapes and sizes and to say one type is better than the other is just closing one's self off from fun and entertainment. That being said, the effect of cell/smart phone gaming on the game market has been unmistakable ...
Gamer-funded games: too much of a risk? (blog)
With more and more game developers using crowd-sourced funding as a means to make games, is the face of game development changing before our very eyes? Among the more high-profile Kickstarter video game projects this year was one by famed game ... (blog)
'Unfinished Swan' is a beautiful shooting game without the bullets
Yes, some video games are all about the guns. And that's just fine if you're a grown-up who loves shooting digital things (which many of us do). But while "The Unfinished Swan" is a shooting gameof a sort, it's also a fine example of the other end of ...
City officials tackle video gaming (blog)
At a meeting earlier this month, the City Council voted to table a proposed amendment to the city ordinance covering liquor licenses, adding a category for video gaming parlors and setting the annual license fee at $1,400. Council members at the time ...
Game Developer Announces New Real-Time Strategy (RTS) Video ...
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Gamers are always looking for the next new video game. Game developer Yale Winter announces "SKY is ...
Gamasutra - News - Video: Stop sweating the details and let game ...
At GDC Europe, Fotonica and MirrorMoon developer Pietro Righi Riva explains why good game ...
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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Gamers are always looking for the next new video game. Game developer Yale Winter announces "SKY is ...
At GDC Europe, Fotonica and MirrorMoon developer Pietro Righi Riva explains why good game ...
Follow @sobeq