The Creativity of Indie Video Games | Off Book | PBS - YouTube: "The video game industry is now bigger than Hollywood, with hundreds of millions of dollars spent developing these interactive experiences. But there are also small-scale developers working in the indie game realm, creating unique and experimental video games without the budgets of the larger "AAA" games. These indie game developers devote time, money, and take great risks in a quest to realize their creative vision. They deftly balance game mechanics & systems, sound & visuals, and an immersive storytelling experience to push the gaming medium into revolutionary new territory. Much like indie music or indie film, the indie gaming movement provides a creative outlet for game designers who want to work outside of the mainstream."
Video Game Roundtable Episode 115: Weeyoo Seepeeyoo
Video Game Roundtable Episode 115: Weeyoo Seepeeyoo ... In this long episode ofGaming Podcast, the show runs long because of the tons of entries made to win a Steam code of XCOM: Enemy Unknown. ... The news includes the following items: Sony drops 3D ...
Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: video game stories
Weekend Hot Topic, part 2: video game stories. GameCentral readers name their favourite video game plots and characters, and argue over the best way to tell an interactive story. Related Tags: Japan · Boy George. Half-Life 2 – never so obvious. The...
Oculus Rift: Game Changer?
Geek Smash
Thanks to brilliant minds like Paulmer Luckey; founder of Oculus, and the developersthat are backing him, VR is going to be a reality much sooner than I or anyone else was expecting. When the Kickstarter project ... Now anyone who wants to incorporate...
Geek Smash
Blast Interview - Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra
Leigh Alexander is no stranger to video game journalism. In approximately 5 years ...It's very fun for a certain type of experience to play a hyper-realistic first-person game, but I think that there is so much more opportunity for creativity and ...
Carrier Command Gaea Mission Review – In The Navy
The Koalition
25 years ago, the ground-breaking Real-time strategy (RTS) video game Carrier Command from developers Realtime Games and Publishers Rainbird was released for many different systems including the Atari ST, the ZX Spectrum, the Amiga and the ...
The Koalition
'SimCity' closed beta filling fast
Many thought that was the demise of the series due to the original developers, Maxis, pulling out to focus on “Spore” as well as mediocre ratings – barely grasping onto a 62/100 on Metacritic. Fortunately, Maxis is back on the scene with the reboot and ...
First Screens and Video for Liberation Maiden 3DS
Three of the games from the once Japan-only developer bundle were confirmed today for an international release. The first of the trio, Liberation Maiden, is an action gamestarring a girl now made president of New Japan after her father's assassination.
Network Failures plague Day 3 of the League of Legends Season 2 Playoffs
Indeed, these restarts changed the meta of the entire series against each other - WE's Fzzf had superb Blitzcrank play throughout game one, which WE won easily, and CLG failed to ban Blitz heading into game two. ... that hosting LAN style tournaments ...
Progamming for beginners
However, I love playing video games. I am not good at math but enjoy the challenge. I like the order and definitve set of rules that programing seems to have. I will learn C++ but that is not what I want to start with. I was looking for a language that ...
'WWE 13' preview: Revisiting the Attitude Era
Digital Spy
As an added incentive to pursue the elaborate endings, users are awarded with videos and unlockables by meeting the conditions set out by the computer. The video footage gives the events of the mode added context, filling in the blanks for those unsure ...
JournoDevSwap: The message of this game jam
Don't deny him/her the chance to say: “You know that video game with the Alsatian in it? It was me who decided the breed of that dog, oh and those sombreros are all mine too!” Don't deny him/her the feeling of knowing that those sombreros you drew can ...

Derrick the Deathfin, the First Video Game Built from Papercraft ... For the team at Different ...
Mobile Gizmos Hastening The Demise Of Video Game Consoles ...
Guest post written by Kevin Chou Kevin Chou is CEO of Kabam, an online gaming platform. In Austin next week video game developers will gather at a ... ...
Video game entrepreneur leaves MudBrick, moving south | Central ...
A year ago, Paul Benninghove dived headlong into his big dream: to be a video game developer. Much like his first business venture, Harrisburg-based ...
Contract Web Developer needed for Video Game Company!
Wired Talent is the premier staffing agency for the video game industry. We are currently recruiting for a Web Developer at a well known game developer in the ...
How Video Game Translation Differs From Other Types of ...
(Now that would make for an interesting study – the number of new words invented by video game developers every year.) Not only do writers establish new ...
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