The Guardian (blog)
Although many of us try to play every decent video game launched during the year, few achieve it. Inconveniences like jobs and loved ones (I'm joking), combined with the sheer wealth of new releases splurged across multiple platforms on an almost daily ...
The Guardian (blog)
Assassins Creed 3: Behind the Naval Gameplay (VIDEO)
In its first week, the game sold 3.5 million units, which has outdone all previous releases from the franchise, which is the gem in the crown of the game developer, Ubisoft. For those not familiar, the game follows a storyline based on an ancient war ...
Double Fine Opens Top Secret Game Brainstorm to Fans
Since 2007, video game developer Double Fine (Psychonauts, BrĂ¼tal Legend) has dedicated two weeks a year to an “Amnesia Fortnight.” The company breaks from its current project into small teams to develop new game prototypes. The exercise is intended ...
Telltale Games plans major expansion
North Bay Business Journal
SAN RAFAEL — Video game developer and publisher Telltale Inc. has quite a tale of success to tell with its story-based episodic entertainment such as The Walking Dead fast-selling series, and now the 8-year-old company is planning to nearly double the ...
EA's Free Star Wars MMO Goes Live - Analyst Blog
BioWare, a subdivision of video game developer and publisher Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) recently announced that the free-to-play version of its massively multiplayer online ("MMO") game Star Wars: The Old Republic is now live. Players now can access all ...
Teaching the next game-changers at Game On! Philippines 2012
MANILA, Philippines – My earliest memory of playing an authentically Philippine video game was sitting in a kiosk in my university to play Anito: Defend a Land Enraged. Anito was a role-playinggame ... For this month-long competition, these students ...
Indie devs team up to help fund LA game center
... centre for video game art, design, and research, offering exhibitions, workshops, and residencies available both at the site and online. The project has been underway for three years, and has enlisted the help of 30 independent game developers to ...
10 Video Game Bosses That Totally Sucked
We're talking about terrible boss fights, boss fights that aren't necessarily difficult or annoying, but simply lack invention in an otherwise inventive game; it's as though the developers got to a certain point and got tired, so thought, “That'll do ...
Budge's game plan for growth
Ottawa Citizen
For Wave Generation, a Montreal-based audio production company serving the video gameindustry, the launch of the iPad opened the doors to a whole new outlook — and new business venture called Budge Studios. Since its ... Marketing was very much ...
Nintendo Wii U Getting Video Chat from Vidyo
Using Vidyo's open platform, game developers will be able to embed video chats directly inside their games. ... Vidyo announced today that its video chat technology is behind Wii U Chat, a major feature of the upcoming Nintendo game console. ... "Vidyo ...
Star Citizen's Crowdfunding Campaign Finishes With Record $6.2 Million
Chris Roberts, the prominent games developer behind the Wing Commander and Starlancer franchises, is returning to the video games industry with a bang. Roberts'... The game, which will come out on the PC, has been in development since 2011. Roberts ...
Violence Doesn't Make a Good Video Game
Capsule Computers
These titles exist because the genre is as popular as it has ever been, withdevelopers and publishers flocking to them because that is where all the money goes. Shooting people in the face has become the new icon for a good ... By effectively ...
Capsule Computers
Game devs 'hold out' in prison
Two Czech game developers are "holding out" in a Greek prison two months after their arrest on suspicion of espionage after being caught filming military installations, their lawyer said on Friday. "Their message is, we are holding out and fighting on ...
At the wheel of the Grand Theft phenomenon
Sydney Morning Herald
There isn't another video game company like Rockstar Games. Founded in 1998 by Dan Houser and his brother Sam, it has been responsible for some of the most fascinating, successful and controversial video games ever, including the groundbreaking ...
Sydney Morning Herald
THQ being sued by tattoo artist
GamingBolt (blog)
Chris Escobedo, creator and owner of Elite Tattoo, has sued THQ because one of his tattoos has been used by the developer in their game, UFC Undisputed 3 without his consent. His tattoo, a lion, has been used on the arms of current welterweight ...
GamingBolt (blog)
Faceshift: real-time in-game facial expressions using Kinect
It's that last one we're interested in today though, as it promises to have a huge impact on video games. The video above shows EPFL's latest research into performance capture using the Kinect motion controller. It's called Faceshift ... Faceshift is ...
Perfect World Announces Recent Business Developments
Sacramento Bee
... rewritten or redistributed. BEIJING, Nov. 19, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD) ("Perfect World" or the "Company"), a leading online game developer and operator based in China, today announced its recent business ...
Animal FarmVille: How F2P is Changing Games Development for the Worse
PlayStation LifeStyle
Not long ago, making games was simple. Publishers would look at popular genres or areas they saw growth potential in, and then they'd assign a developer to make agame based on what they decided. It was the developer's job to make the game as good as ...
PlayStation LifeStyle
Playing with Music and Video Games
Washington College Elm
With a medium as diverse and complex as video games, this could not be clearer. Depending on the accompanying composition, a strong melody or a subtle one can have very different influences on how the player experiences the game. A subtle composition ...
Review: Nintendo's Wii U delivers double-screen fun
The Seattle Times (blog)
With Sunday's launch of the Wii U, Nintendo is once again disrupting the rec room with an unusual new machine designed to advance the notion of video entertainment. Exploring its capabilities will keep buyers and game developers engaged for years.
Star Wars' Stumble Points to Free, Open Future for Online Worlds
As the game development website Gamasutra put it, the most expensive game in history is now free: With a reported $200 million budget, the massively multiplayer RPG Star Wars: The Old Republic wasn't attracting nearly the number of subscribers that ...
The 4 Secrets Behind Zynga's Narcotically Addictive Games
They understand the psychology of game design, the fundamentals of interfacedesign, the necessities of social design, and the importance of big data verifying everydesign hypothesis along the way. They know software because they know people.
Sport meets technology
The Australian
"There is a move away from digital games consoles that engage the brain to those that will put the body into the centre of the game experience," he said. Dr Mueller, who gave a presentation on The Future of Fitness, said a "game changer" was needed if ...
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune card game announced for Vita, hits PSN Dec. 4
... a turn-based card game coming to Vita via PSN on December 4, priced at $4.99. Fight for Fortune features card-based combat using heroes, villains, artifacts, and mercenaries taken from the action-adventure series. As the above video shows, players ...
Call of Duty: Black Ops II – more evidence that games manufacturers are ... (blog)
It's that time of year again, when vast numbers of men around the world ignore their girlfriends (at least, those with one) in favour of having 13-year-olds scream profanity at them over the internet – all in the name of a video game. Call of Duty ...
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Announces Its Alpha Demo Version Release
On Video Games
The Alpha Demo 1.0 version for the latest self-published video game title “Sword of the Stars: The Pit.” has been released. The game is described by its developer, Kerberos Productions as a fun, fast, and light-hearted action role-playing-game with ...
More DLC details revealed for 'Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale'
Sony Computer Entertainment Santa Monica Studio is helping out with the development of “Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.” SuperBot Entertainment is the main developer behind the Playstation 3 version of the crossover fighting game while Bluepoint ...
Yes, the Wii's Going Away But It Did Pretty Good Things For Mickey Mouse and ...
"We'll probably be the last significant Wii title, certainly the last significant third-party Wii title," saysgame design icon Warren Spector about Epic Mickey: The Power of Two. "And a whole new generation of consoles is about to ... Yet, the ...
Hitman: Absolution review – successful hit
Video game fans are rarely as grateful as you'd expect when a long dormant franchise is brought back to life. It's been six years since the last Hitman game, but when early previews reported a more action-orientated approach forums across the Internet ...

GameZone's 2012 Holiday Gift Guide: Must-have Games
Just Dance 4 (360/PS3/Wii/WiiU) - With colors that pop like a Katy Perry musicvideo, great songs and catchy dance moves, Just Dance 4 is one of the best dancegames you can purchase. It's on all four consoles, including the Wii U. From "Call Me Maybe ...

Gamasutra: David Maletz's Blog - What is an Indie Game Developer?
Gamasutra: The Art & Business of Making Games spacer ... spacer, View All, spacer. November 15, 2012. Top developers ponder the future of video games [ 11] ...
Game Developer looking to partner with game designers ...
I'm currently looking to see if there are any game designers out there who are looking to partner with a game developer to bring their game to the web/mobile.
Gamer To Game Developer Multiplayer Video Tutorial Series on YouTube
Gamer To Game Developer is a video tutorial series where I show you how to build a prototype multiplayer FPS game from scratch using the free version of the ...
Hero-U Game Development Team
Game Designers. We are the designers, programmers, writers, artist, and ' whatever it takes' behind “The School for Heroes.” We began this Hero's quest in 1988 ...
Follow @sobeq
Sony Computer Entertainment Santa Monica Studio is helping out with the development of “Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale.” SuperBot Entertainment is the main developer behind the Playstation 3 version of the crossover fighting game while Bluepoint ...
Yes, the Wii's Going Away But It Did Pretty Good Things For Mickey Mouse and ...
"We'll probably be the last significant Wii title, certainly the last significant third-party Wii title," saysgame design icon Warren Spector about Epic Mickey: The Power of Two. "And a whole new generation of consoles is about to ... Yet, the ...
Hitman: Absolution review – successful hit
Video game fans are rarely as grateful as you'd expect when a long dormant franchise is brought back to life. It's been six years since the last Hitman game, but when early previews reported a more action-orientated approach forums across the Internet ...
GameZone's 2012 Holiday Gift Guide: Must-have Games
Just Dance 4 (360/PS3/Wii/WiiU) - With colors that pop like a Katy Perry musicvideo, great songs and catchy dance moves, Just Dance 4 is one of the best dancegames you can purchase. It's on all four consoles, including the Wii U. From "Call Me Maybe ...
Gamasutra: David Maletz's Blog - What is an Indie Game Developer?
Gamasutra: The Art & Business of Making Games spacer ... spacer, View All, spacer. November 15, 2012. Top developers ponder the future of video games [ 11] ...
Game Developer looking to partner with game designers ...
I'm currently looking to see if there are any game designers out there who are looking to partner with a game developer to bring their game to the web/mobile.
Gamer To Game Developer Multiplayer Video Tutorial Series on YouTube
Gamer To Game Developer is a video tutorial series where I show you how to build a prototype multiplayer FPS game from scratch using the free version of the ...
Hero-U Game Development Team
Game Designers. We are the designers, programmers, writers, artist, and ' whatever it takes' behind “The School for Heroes.” We began this Hero's quest in 1988 ...
Follow @sobeq